  • 學位論文


The Influence of SOC Strategy and Physical Activity on Successful Aging for Older Adults

指導教授 : 余嬪


        瞭解「好」的老化方式和影響因素,能夠促進個人與群體的發展。本研究整理過去數十年來有關成功老化議題,採用適應老化的社會心理學觀點,主張老年人若能運用選擇最優化補償 (簡稱SOC) 策略和身體活動的綜合效益,則能夠達到較好的老化結果。本研究目的在探討老年人SOC策略與身體活動對成功老化的影響。研究方法採用問卷調查法,蒐集相關文獻後,自編五個因素的「成功老化量表」,編譯短式「SOC」量表,及使用已有良好信度和效度的「老年人身體活動」中文版問卷,以北中南三區的60歲(含)以上的老年人為本研究對象,共回收426份有效問卷,使用SPSS 25..0及Amos 25.0統計分析軟體,以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、項目分析、探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析、逐步迴歸分析等統計分法進行資料分析。研究結果:一、老年人SOC使用情形,「最優化」最高,「有資源的選擇」最低;SOC策略受到不同年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、學習參與的影響而有差異。二、老年人坐著時間比例高,平時較多從事走路、輕度、輕鬆家務活動,較少從事激烈活動,大多不曾從事肌力或肌耐力的活動;老年人身體活動量受到不同性別、年齡、居住地區、教育程度、婚姻狀況、有無宗教信仰、慢性疾病數、急性損傷數和學習參與程度的影響而有差異。三、老年人的成功老化情形,以健康自主得分最高,認知功能最低;老年人成功老化受到所有人口統計變項的影響,其中不同年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況的影響最多。四、SOC四個行為策略和身體三個類別之間的相關,除「失落時的選擇」與「領薪工作/義工」外,其餘皆有正向關聯。五、SOC四個行為策略對整體成功老化的預測情形,其中「最優化」最具解釋力,而「有資源的選擇」不具預測力。六、身體活動分類對整體成功老化的預測情形,其中「休閒時間活動」最具解釋力,而「領薪工作/義工」不具預測力。七、整體成功老化能同時被SOC與身體活動預測,其中SOC較具解釋力,而所有行為策略和身體活動類別中,以「最優化」最具解釋力,其次為「休閒時間活動」、「家務勞動」、「補償」;對成功老化「心理適應」構面而言,「最優化」不具有預測力,而「補償」取而代之為首要因素;「有資源的選擇」和「領薪工作或義工」對於成功老化沒有影響。研究結論與建議,身體活動在老化連續過程扮演重要角色,但是若能加上使用SOC策略,則更有助於成功老化的提升,不僅能夠運用在老年人本身,也可介入到社區和學習機構的課程中。「最優化」最能反映SOC策略對個體生命發展的可塑性,在進行補償性努力之前,老化的個體可能會嘗試使用可塑性為基礎的資源來保持目標。「休閒時間活動」是身體活動類別中最常被探討,確實可為老年人帶來更好的生活品質,而「家務勞動」反映出良好的身體機能,自主生活能力,並能增進家人間的互動關係,成為調整與適應生活的替代活動。影響SOC、身體活動和成功老化的背景因素很多,可能與資源多寡和流失有直接或間接的關聯,進而影響老化適應結果,值得未來研究進一步的探討。




Understanding how to aging “well” and influencing factors can promote the development of individuals and groups. This study both reviewed the concept of successful aging (SA) from the social psychological perspective and surveyed a model of selection and optimization with compensation (SOC), as well as physical activity (PA). The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of SOC strategies and physical activities on successful aging for older adults. It provided what successful aging is and considered statistical relationships among SOC, physical activity, successful aging with the demographic variables. The survey questionnaires were included a five-factor "Successful Aging Scale", a revised "SOC scale", and the "Physical Activity Scale for Elderly"-Chinese Version (PASE-C) with good reliability and validity were used. All subjects were based on senior citizens over 60 years old in the north, middle and south three areas. A total of 426 valid questionnaires were collected. The SPSS 25.0 and Amos 25.0 statistical software were used and statistical methods for data analysis were descriptive statistics, t-test, single factor variance analysis, Pearson’s correlation, item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, stepwise regression analysis. The results were as followed:  1. The use of SOC strategy in the elderly was the highest in "Optimization" and the lowest in "Elective Selection"; the use of SOC strategy was affected by the differences of age, education levels, marital status, and learning participation.  2. There was a high percentage of sitting time for elderly. They usually engaged in walking and light leisure time activities, and light housework activities, less intense activities, and most of them had never engaged in muscle strength or muscular endurance activities. The amount of physical activity of the elderly is affected by the differences of gender, age, living area, education level, marital status, religious, number of chronic diseases and injuries, and learning participation. 3. There was the highest average score in "Health and Autonomy" and the lowest in cognitive function among SA dimensions; the successful aging of the elderly was affected by all demographic variables, and the subscale factors are most affected by different ages, education levels, and marital status. 4. The correlation between the four behavioral strategies of SOC and the three categories of PA, except for "Loss-based Selection" and "Paid work/Volunteering"  are not related, other dimensions were positively related, which the highest positive correlation was between "Compensation" and " "Leisure-time Activities".  5. The overall SOC was able to predict successful aging. Among four strategies, the most powerful predictor was "Optimization". However, "Elective Selection" was not predictive. 6. The overall PA was able to predict successful aging. Among three types of PA, the most powerful predictor was "Leisure-time Activities". However, "Paid work/ Volunteering" was not predictive. 7. The overall successful aging could be predicted by both SOC and physical activity at the same time. SOC was more powerful than PA. Among all SOC strategies and PA types, the most powerful predictor was "Optimization", "Leisure-time Activities" and "Household" and "Compensation" followed; "Optimization" was not predictive for the "Psychological Adaptation" dimension of successful aging, instead, "Compensation" is the primary factor; "Elective Selection" and "Paid work/Volunteering" were no influent on successful aging. SOC and PA played an important role in the process of aging well. They might be applied not only to the elderly themselves but also to the curriculum of communities and learning institutions. The plasticity of the SOC strategy can be most reflected by "Optimization" for the development of an individual's life. Before making compensatory efforts, individuals try to use plasticity-based strategies to maintain their goals first. "Leisure-time Activity" was the most frequently discussed by researchers among PA types. It could indeed bring a better quality of life to the elderly. "Household" activity showed a good physical function, independent living ability, and can enhance family relationships. It was an alternative activity for adjusting and adapting to life changes. There were many demographical factors that affected SOC, physical activity, and successful aging. They might be directly or indirectly related to the amount and loss of resources, and then caused consequences of aging adaptation. This topic was worthy of further research.


successful aging


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