  • 學位論文


The Research of Public Art Environment on Campus-The Case in Chang-An、Da- Dun and Kuo-Kuang Elementary School of Taichung

指導教授 : 陳明輝


時代變遷,以往的校園體制已擴展為民眾生活休閒的一部份,不再只是單純的學習空間。公共藝術如雨後春筍般的蓬勃發展,逐漸於校園中萌芽、茁壯,進入校園培養學生美感教育、提升藝術的認知,成為實際的美學教學教材。公共藝術在校園中,於課後假日期間,將原有的功能轉化為大眾活動的空間,進而開啟對公共藝術領域的感知與覺知,因此校園中的公共藝術表現形式與設置環境營造課題,更顯得重要。 本研究內容主要探討校園公共藝術環境設置為主題,提出相關議題探究,透過文獻探討建立起對校園公共藝術的理念基礎,此研究普查臺中市國民小學目前公共藝術設置環境情況,在研究範圍與限制下,針對臺中市的長安國小、大墩國小與國光國小,三所國民小學進行個案研究與訪談調查。研究結論三所學校有三種不同結果: (一)長安國小: 在公共藝術設置環境上,藉由牆面、公佈欄、告示牌與教學區等地方,可以看到學校對生態教學的著力,在環境營造上經過考量與審視,公共藝術設置有助於美化環境,使整體空間更具有一致性與協調的感覺。 (二)大墩國小: 在公共藝術設置環境上,有些公共藝術作品未與環境產生相關的營造設計,作品「快樂學棋趣」藝術性未在設置環境上加以著墨,作品與環境不融合,但因為造型巨大化,深得民眾喜愛,互動程度較高。「天籟樂語」則設置於校園外的另一側,外圍利用石磚築起,區隔出藝術品與人行道之間的關係,色彩較暗色調,大多民眾不知道位置,但若為學生,可以清楚知道作品設置區域,繼而互動與了解。「愛的飛翔」作品地點較不易觀察和察覺。在色彩方面與周遭環境相呼應和其他兩件作品較為不同的。 (三)國光國小: 校園內公共藝術作品與設置環境相呼應,公共藝術的設置區域成為校園中環境美化的主要地方也是學生間遊戲的場所。物品巨大化,民眾觀看時,更能因為特別、有趣的形體,想駐留在此地欣賞、玩樂並了解作品內容。互動性質與周圍環境不謀而合,是民眾假日休閒或學生下課休息時,主要玩樂的區域。


a:Chang-An elementary school: On the part of campus public art, the school has put a lot of effort into the environmental ecological education by arranging the walls,the bulletin boards, the billboards and some teaching areas. After considering the art settings of the environment ,the public art setting can enhance the beauty of environment. It can make the overall space to be consistent. b:Da-Dun elementary school: The art work which is name "Pleasure of playing Chess" of the school can't show the relationship with the art environment .The other art work "Sound of Grace" that located at outside the campus separates the relationship between the art works and the sidewalk. Many people don't know the position of this art work. The third art work "Flying Love" is also located at a place that people may ignore easily. However , the color of this art work is consistent with the surroundings. It is different from the others. C:Kuo-Kuang elementary school: The school's art works are consistent with the setting environment. The area of setting public art in school is also the main place for the school to beautify the environment. It is the main place for students to do some activities. People would like to stay there to watch these art works at the area . People can also get diverse perception from the vision and tactile sense after interacting with the public art works.


于正倫(1991) 。城市環境藝術。台北:博遠出版社。
