  • 學位論文


The Construction and Application of Evaluation Indicators for Non-school-based Experimental Education

指導教授 : 王政彥


本研究之目的主要在建構非學校型態實驗教育評鑑指標及權重分配,並透過實驗教育機構實際應用此指標,以了解非學校型態實驗教育目前之現況。首先,自國內外相關文獻中整理分析非學校型態實驗教育之發展,以及探討家長教育選擇權之影響;並套過校務評鑑與各縣市訪視項目之內容,初步建構非學校型態實驗教育評鑑指標。之後蒐集實驗教育學者專家、教育工作者與家長、教育局承辦人員等,透過二回合德懷術,確認正式評鑑指標,並實施AHP指標權重問卷分析,建立權重;另外並由四間非學校型態實驗教育機構根據研究確認之指標進行IPA問卷。 經統計分析資料獲得以下結論: 壹、 非學校型態實驗教育評鑑指標包含五個範疇、16個向度與61項指標 貳、 非學校型態實驗教育評鑑指標之權重以「實驗教育對象學習與發展」範疇為首要,排序最末位的為「財務規劃與收支」 參、 非學校型態實驗教育評鑑指標向度之絕對權重以實驗教育理念實踐最高 肆、 臺灣非學校型態實驗教育機構在支持系統範疇表現最佳,其次是教育人員任用與課程規劃執行範疇,但在財務規劃與收支以及實驗教育對象學習與發展兩個範疇尚有努力空間 根據結論,本研究的具體建議將針對非學校型態實驗教育機構、教育主管單位、後續研究提出: 壹、對於非學校型態實驗教育機構之建議 一、 爭取相關補助經費以永續經營 二、 將非學校型態實驗教育評鑑指標作為機構經營之內部評鑑依據 三、 鼓勵實驗教育機構尋找合作夥伴學校 貳、對於教育主管單位之建議 一、根據非學校型態實驗教育評鑑指標鼓勵非學校型態實驗教育機構自評 二、研議成立實驗教育推動中心進行非學校型實驗教育審查 三、輔導諮商中心主動提供協助非學校型態實驗教育之學生 四、非學校型態實驗教育相關業務承辦人員與家長應進行增能 參、對於未來後續研究之建議 一、擴大非學校型態實驗教育評鑑指標之研究對象與研究方法 二、增列教師聘用相關指標以及針對不同對象進行評鑑內容 三、發展高中階段非學校型態實驗教育機構評鑑指標


The purpose of this study is to construct non-school-based experimental education evaluation indicators and weight distribution, and to apply these indicators through experimental educational institutions to understand the current status of non-school-based experimental education. Firstly, the research approaches of the study are literature review, and discusses the influence of parental education choice rights. The initial construction covers the content of school evaluation and visits of the non-school-based experimental education. After that, we designed a Delphi technique-based questionnaire, and the members include experimental education scholars, educators and parents, and the staff of the Education Bureau. Through the two rounds of Delphi, we confirmed the official evaluation indicators, and implemented AHP index weights questionnaire analysis to establish weights. In addition, four non-schools use an IPA questionnaire based on the indicators confirmed by the study. The following conclusions were obtained from statistical analysis data: 1.The non-school-based experimental education evaluation indicators include five regions, 16 dimensions and 61 indicators 2.The weights system for non-school-based experimental education is that the first hierarchy takes "experimental education and development of experimental subjects" as the prioritized weight sequence, and the final ranking is "financial planning and revenue and expenditure". 3.The absolute weight of the index of the evaluation of the non-school-based experimental education evaluation is the highest in the experimental education concept. 4.Taiwan's non-school-based experimental education institutions performed best in the support system region, followed by education staff appointments and curriculum planning implementation areas. According to the conclusion, the specific recommendations of this study will be proposed for non-school-based experimental education institutions, educational authorities, and follow-up studies: 1.Suggestions to non-school type experimental education institutions I. Strive for relevant subsidy funds for sustainable operation. II. Take the non-school-based experimental education evaluation indicators as the basis for internal evaluation of institutional operations. III. Find partner schools to share resource and cooperate with. 2.Suggestions to the education authority I. Encourage non-school-based experimental education institutions to self-evaluate according to these education evaluation indicators. II. Develop the Experimental Education Promotion Center to conduct non-school-based experimental education review. III. The Counseling Center should provide resources to the students who assist non-school-based experimental education. IV. Non-school-based experimental education related business contractors and parents should increase more ability. 3.Suggestions to future follow-up research I. Expand the research scope and targets, employ more different research methods. II. Add the dimension of the addition of teacher recruitment and different objects to evaluate. III. Develop the evaluation indicators about high school non-school-based experimental education institutions.


丁凡(譯)(1997)。瑟谷傳奇。(原作者:Greenberg, G.)。臺北市:遠流。
