  • 學位論文


A Study of Language Use and Language Attitudes of Min-Hakka Intermarrital Families in Linyuan and Lingya Districts, Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 吳中杰


摘要 本研究是一篇透過在閩客聯姻婚姻生活中找尋自我與家庭生活衝突差異探討,針對生活民生面向的觀察報告,其中以論族群認同感原生家庭與成婚後的家庭間生命故事與生活差異為主題,以習俗或內在感受為討論方式。研究方法以高雄客家人目前使用語言以及語言態度介入,藉由六個家庭生活角色的故事探索,分析認同形成與影響。族群具有同樣的歷史記憶所型塑而成的概念,是屬於天生的、本能性的,人類原始選擇聚集,人們會具有一種本能性的接受與自己相同或相似的族群傾向,接納與自己相同族群的人。 從「出身客家家庭」、「身為客家人」、「家庭中的閩客族群相處情況」、「家庭中客語使用情況」等訪談面向了解相互影響關係,探討生活經驗與社會文化脈絡間交雜關係。研究的進行方式是深入訪談六個長期居住在高雄地區的閩客家庭成員。以下為本研究的主要發現: 一、客家話語的傳承是重要的,在高雄的客家家庭中主要文化傳承也是透過學習客家話來傳承文化傳統。 二、在訪談客家家庭的過程,筆者可見家庭中的中心道德觀,常見客家傳統良好的道德觀,如重視讀書傳家及重視勤儉觀念,這是建立家庭的美好基礎。 三、提出研究反省與後續建議: (一)為了提高社會文化尊重度,建議成立客家社團,成立客家特色課程,讓閩南人可以認識客家人,使文化交流能更公開化。 (二)高雄客家議題有其深入研究價值,其研究議題能更廣泛,未來研究除客家話語用與語言態度研究外,也可再深入研究文化議題。 關鍵字:高雄客家、語言使用、語言態度


Abstract This research intends to consider the conflict of self-identity in marriage life and observed in daily livelihood. The objective of this research is to discuss the group identity derived from the original family and the divergence occured in marriage when going through festivals and customs. Research starts from the language choices of Hakka people. By the stories of six individual roles in their families, the study analyzed the development of self-identity and the influences happened thereafter. Ethnic groups are formed by collaborative history and memories. Group identity is innate and instinctive. Human beings gather together primitively and tend to accept the same or similar group of people. Major aspects included in this study are “Originate from Hakka family”, “Being a Hakka” and “Relations of Min/Hakka groups of people in the family”. The study focuses on their mutual influences among these aspects, and lookes into the complexity of life experiences and cultural threads. The subjects of this research are six members spent their lifetime in Kaohsiung, whose families are blended with Min and Hakka origin. Below is the conclusions: 1.The inheritance of Hakka language is crucial. In Kaohsiung Hakka family, Hakka culture can be mainly inherited by learning Hakka. During the interview with the Hakka family, the author finds that Hakka traditional spirits are all about family; farming and studying are first priorities, and people value thrifty. These are all strong foundations of building a family. 2.Introspections and further study possibilities: I.Establishing Hakka associate communities would be an optimistic vision. Programs like Hakka featuring courses will facilitate the familiarity between different groups, and promotes culture communication between Min and Hakka. The appreciation of diverse cultures will also be improved. II.The study of localized Hakka, such as Hakka in Kaohsiung, can extend to the deeper culture issues on top of the analysis of Hakka language. Keyword: Kaohsiung Hakka,Language use,Language attitude.


