  • 學位論文


The Evaluation of Effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Medical Interventions for the Cancer patients undergoing Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

指導教授 : 鄭宗琳


目的、 癌症是台灣近年來的十大死因的榜首,其發生率均逐年上升。在常規治療當中,病人需要接受手術治療、化學治療、放射線治療等治療模式,但往往也容易出現很多副作用,像是噁心、嘔吐、腹瀉、疲倦等症狀,這些症狀發作時往往容易影響病患生活品質,也因此許多病患尋求中醫來改善這些問題,本研究目的是為了解癌症病患接受放射線或是化學治療後,同時接受中醫藥物治療在生活品質上的改善程度。 實驗設計、本研究收集彰化基督教醫院中醫部癌症病患經過手術治療,目前正在進行化學治療或是放射線治療病患,以補中益氣湯膠囊作為實驗組,澱粉充填安慰劑膠囊作為對照組,最終實驗組有24位病患及對照組15位完成本研究。在生活品質量表方面,接受治療前以及治療後組內差異使用配對T檢定,對於實驗組以及對照組之間的差異,則使用Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon檢定在服藥前以及服藥後組別之間的差異。 結果、結果顯示實驗組內前後測在功能性指標部分:社會功能、認知功能、整體健康狀態,在症狀性指標方面:疼痛、疲倦、便祕等指標均有明顯的進步。對照組在功能性指標中情緒功能,症狀性指標則有疼痛以及腹瀉在治療前後有明顯的進步。組別間的比較,在治療前的比較,實驗組的認知功能在服藥前有明顯較差,在服藥後則無明顯差異。對照組的情緒功能與在服藥後實驗組相比有明顯差異,改善程度明顯優於實驗組。


Purpose: Cancer emerges as one of the major health issues in the world. Some popular treatments for patients with cancer, e.g. surgery, chemotherapy (CT) and radiotherapy (RT), often cause severe side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, general weakness and so on, which may decrease patient’s quality of life (QOL). On relieving the side effects caused by the usual treatments, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is among the most commonly used complementary therapies for cancer patients. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of TCM in improving the QOL of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Experimental design: We recruited thirty nine patients from the outpatients of Chinese Medicine Department in ChangHua Christian Hospital. Among these patients, twenty-four patients were arranged in the intervention group and the other fifteen patients were arranged in control group. We use Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang in intervention group as complementary treatment and starch as placebo in control group. We use paired-T test to conduct intra-group statistically analysis for EORTC Quality of Life Questionnaire C30, and conduct Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon testing as inter-groups analysis. Results: 1. Intra-Group analysis. For the treatment group, apropos of the functional index, comparing the total scales of EORTC-C30 pretreatment and post treatment, there is a significant improvement in the social function, the cognitive function, and the general health condition. Concerning the index of symptoms, there is a significant improvement on fatigue, pain and constipation. For the control group, the pre-and-post treatment analysis shows that, the emotional function (functional index), and the pain and diarrhea symptoms (index of symptoms) have significant improvements. 2. Inter-groups Analysis. Before intervention, we see that the cognitional function of the treatment group is significantly worse, while there is no significant difference between these two groups after TCM intervention. We also find that the emotional function of the control group has a more significant improvement than that of the treatment group.


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