  • 學位論文


Exploring EFL Students’ Learner Autonomy Development through the Lens of Complexity Theory

指導教授 : 黃聖慧


有鑑於全球化,科技融入第二語言教學及東亞高等教育國際化的趨勢,研究東亞學習者的學習者自主發展需要一個更有力、更在地化的觀點來瞭解第二語言學習者如何發展學習自主。本研究藉由複雜理論切入,探索哪些顯著的組件(components)涉及此議題,並探索它們如何影響學習者自主發展。本研究採集四個個案資料長達一學期,調查個案在初始狀態及各個不同時期的偏好狀態之間的演變。本研究資料蒐集採下列方式: 三次半結構性訪談,教師日誌,受訪者的英語學習歷程,英文作文數篇及每週的反思日誌等。資料編碼及分析則採建構式扎根理論,並佐以MAXQDA 質性分析軟體來處理資料。本研究發現在第二語言學習的複雜動態系統中,八個組件涉及第二外語學習者如何涵養及發展學習自主。此八組件為:學習者的自我期望,正面的學習態度,具挑戰性的學習活動,外在與內在的動機,自我察覺,解決問題的策略,支援的環境及重要的他者。基於這八個組件間的複雜關係,本研究發現以下五大主題:(1)「不是很好的我」,(2) 外在的觸發器: 具挑戰性的學習活動,(3) 內在的過濾器:學習者的初始狀態,(4) 內在的雙感應器:正面的學習態度與解決問題的策略,(5) 支援的環境及重要的他者。 從以上五大主題, 本研究得到七大發現:(1)「不是很好的我」對於提升學習動機極具關鍵性,有助於涵養及發展學習自主。(2)學習者對於不久將來的「第二語言自我」(L2 possible selves)形象比較清楚。相形之下,此形象在遙遠的未來則比較籠統、模糊。(3)學習者的「第二語言現在自我、可能自我」形象受到限制,因為本研究沒有發現文獻中所提到的國際觀 (international posture)及世界公民的認同感(world-citizen identity),而且學習者對「想像中第二語言社群」(imagined L2 community)的形象及概念也黯淡不清。(4)學習者的初始狀態在過濾認知及情意上的失調具有極大的影響力。(5)初始狀態中的情意網絡至為重要,因為它能影響學習者是否能主動尋求解決問題的策略,以解決認知失調的情況。(6)當支援的環境與重要的他者的目標相牴觸時,兩者可能會有衝突,因為並非所有的父母都支持學習自主的發展,有些父母基於文化信念和社會期望甚至會限制學習自主的發展。7)經資料分析後,本研究發現了第二語言學習自主發展的雛型模型。 本研究的發現對於下列領域的瞭解頗有助益:(1)第二語言學習自主發展的雛型模型呈現了一個組件互動的狀態。它提供了一個有力的觀點、圈內人的真實觀點(emic view)有助於瞭解第二語言學習自主發展是如何形成及發展的過程。(2)本研究提供了一個在地化的觀點,看到了在台灣有些英語學習者如何在一個個人主義及集體主義文化價值觀角力的環境中,發展第二語言學習自主。(3)對台灣的英語學習者而言,在發展學習自主的過程中,「不是很好的我」是提升學習動機的元素。本研究於最後提出了理論上的貢獻,教學上的可能影響,及未來的研究方向。


Due to globalization, infusion of technology into second language education, and internationalization of higher education in East Asia, studies of learner autonomy in East Asian learners demanded a more dynamic and localized view of how EFL learners develop L2 learner autonomy. This study explored what salient components are involved and how these components interact to affect the development of learner autonomy with complexity theory as a lens for data interpretation. This multiple-case study investigated changes in the learners’ initial conditions and attractor states over a semester. Three semi-structured interview transcripts, teaching logs, the learners’ English language learning history, written products and weekly reflective journals were collected. A constructive grounded theory approach was adopted for data analysis, and MAXQDA (version 11), a qualitative software program was used for data coding and management. Eight components were found involved in fostering and developing L2 learner autonomy in the complex dynamic system of L2 learning: expectation, positive learning attitudes, challenging learning activities, extrinsic/intrinsic motivation, metacognition, problem-solving strategies, a supportive environment, and significant others. Based on the complex relationships among the eight, five overarching themes emerged: (1) the not-so-good self, (2) challenging activities as an external trigger, (3) a learner’s initial condition as an internal filter, (4) positive learning attitudes and problem-solving strategies as internal reactors, and (5) supportive environment with significant others. From these five overarching themes, seven important findings were revealed: (1) The not-so-good self is a critical component of gaining motivation to foster or develop L2 learner autonomy. (2) L2 possible selves in regards to the proximal future are relatively specific and explicit, but L2 possible selves of the distal future are lacking in clarity and specificity. (3) L2 current and possible selves are somehow limited due to the absence of international posture and world-citizen identity and the dim imagined L2 community. (4) Learners’ initial conditions play an important role in filtering cognitive and affective dissonance induced by perturbations. (5) Affective network in the initial condition is crucial in deciding how actively one would seek problem-solving strategies to attenuate cognitive dissonance. (6) A supportive environment may clash with significant others when the aims of both are contradictory in that not all parents are supportive of learner autonomy, and some parental support can be constraining due to cultural beliefs and social expectations. (7) This study found a prototype model of how L2 learner autonomy is developed. These findings are significant in that they provide in-depth understanding in regard to the following. (1) The prototype model, based on a bottom-up approach, provides a dynamic and emic view of what is required in the initial condition to lay the groundwork for the emergence of L2 learner autonomy, and how L2 learner autonomy is promoted in the process of learning to write. (2) This study provides a localized view of how some EFL learners in Taiwan develop L2 learner autonomy in a setting where individualistic and collectivist values co-exist and are in negotiation in contemporary Taiwan. (3) The not-so-good self, a motivator, is significant in initiating and facilitating the development of L2 learner autonomy. Some theoretical contributions, pedagogical implications and direction for future research were presented.


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