  • 學位論文


A Study of School Bullying in Junior High School Students with Mild Disabilities

指導教授 : 葉靖雲


本研究目的在瞭解國中輕度障礙學生校園霸凌之現況,比較不同背景變項在校園霸凌之角色與霸凌行為類型的差異情形,並探討校園霸凌之角色及霸凌行為類型間的關係。 本研究以台中市公立國民中學之不分類身心障礙資源班的學生為對象,以自編的「國中輕度障礙學生校園霸凌調查問卷」為研究工具,共計發出412份正式問卷,回收正式問卷395份,回收率為95%,剔除填答不完整之無效問卷1份,回收有效問卷為394份,有效問卷回收率為95%,調查所得資料以SPSS12.0版統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行資料分析,本研究發現如下: 壹、國中輕度障礙學生校園霸凌之現況以旁觀校園霸凌經驗最多,而被霸凌的經驗略高於霸凌經驗,並顯示「言語霸凌」是最容易發生的霸凌行為類型,而「網路霸凌」與「性霸凌」則是較不容易發生的霸凌行為。 貳、國中輕度障礙學生的校園霸凌角色中會受「障礙類別」的不同有顯著差異,在校園霸凌的「旁觀者經驗」中,「情緒行為障礙」學生相較「智能障礙」學生,容易出現旁觀校園霸凌的經驗。 參、國中輕度障礙學生在校園霸凌行為類型中,會因「性別」、「手足數」、「障礙類別」的不同而有顯著的差異,如下: 一、國中輕度障礙的男生比起女生容易使用「肢體霸凌」與「言語霸凌」 去進行校園霸凌。 二、家中手足數有「3位(含)以上」相較手足數有「2位」的輕度障礙學生,在校園霸凌中容易使用「關係霸凌」。 三、國中「情緒行為障礙」的學生,比起「輕度智能障礙」與「學習障礙」學生容易看到「言語霸凌」,且比「輕度智能障礙」容易看到校園「性霸凌」。 四、國中「情緒行為障礙」的學生比起「輕度智能障礙」學生在校園霸凌中,容易被「言語霸凌」,相對而言,也容易使用「言語霸凌」和「反擊型霸凌」去霸凌他人。 肆、本研究結果發現國中輕度障礙學生在校園霸凌的三種角色經驗間均呈現中度的正相關,顯示旁觀校園霸凌經驗愈多,越容易有機會遭遇或參與校園霸凌。而遭遇校園霸凌經驗愈多,則參與校園霸凌的經驗也會增加。


The purpose of this study is to understand the current situation of school bullying on mild disabilities students in junior high School, to compare the differences background variables between the school bullying role and behavior type, and explore the relationship between school bullying role and behavior types. The sample was consisted in unclassified disability resource classes students from junior high School in Taichung City, and the researcher compiled questionnaires “the investigation on the school bullying on mild disabilities students in junior high School” as a research tool. There were 412 official questionnaires sent out, and 395 questionnaires collected, the rate of retrieve is 95%. Excluding non-respondents to complete the one invalid questionnaires,there are 394 effective questionnaires collected, the rate of effective questionnaires retrieve is 95%.The data was analyzed by using the method of Descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation with SPSS22.The finding were as follows: 1.The current situation of school bullying on mild disabilities students in junior high School is common on school bullying bystander experience, being bullied experience was slightly higher than the bullying experience. And "verbal bullying" is the most prone to bullying behavior type, but "cyber bullying" and "sexual bullying" is less prone to bullying. Behavior type. 2. There are significant distinctions on School bullying role experience on mild disabilities students in junior high School in different disabilities type. The school bullying bystander experience, "Emotional Disorders" students compared to "Intellectual Disabilities.'' students prone to experience school bullying bystander experience. 3. There are significant distinctions on School bullying behavior types on mild disabilities students in junior high School in different gender, grade, disability type. 4. The facts of influencing School bullying role experiences on mild disabilities students in junior high School is Moderate positive correlation among three role experiences of School bullying. Bystander school bullying the more experience, the more likely encounter or participate in school bullying, and encounter bullying experience more, are involved in bullying experience will increase.


王以仁、陳治豪 (2006)。國小轉學生自我概念、社會支持與其學校生活適應之研究。教育科學期刊,6(1),46-74
