  • 學位論文


University Students’ Demand and Satisfaction of Using Sport Facilities : A Case Study of Students at National Changhua University of Education

指導教授 : 張家昌


本研究旨在探討大專校院學生對運動場館設施使用需求與滿意度之現況,並分析不同個人背景變項學生在運動場館設施使用需求與滿意度之差異情形。本研究以國立彰化師範大學104學年度第二學期修習體育課程及運動學系之學生為研究對象,並採用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,共發出 581份問卷,回收有效問卷 572份,有效回收率為98.45%。本研究之研究工具為「國立彰化師範大學運動場館設施使用需求與滿意度調查問卷」。所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關分析法進行統計分析,研究結果如下:一、大專校院學生對運動場館設施具有高度使用需求,以「使用安全」為最高,其次為「設施便利及可及性」。二、大專校院學生對運動場館設施之整體使用滿意度為中等滿意程度,且「軟體」之滿意度高於「硬體」。三、不同性別、運動經歷、運動頻率及運動時數在使用需求達顯著差異。四、不同性別、運動經歷、運動頻率及運動時數在滿意度達顯著差異。五、大專校院學生在運動場館設施使用需求與滿意度之間呈顯著低度正相關。


The purpose was to investigate university students’ demand and satisfaction of using sport facilities. The study also discussed the variability of students’ background to know if it affected their demand and satisfaction of using sport facilities. The data was based on administered questionnaires. The participants were students who took courses in the Department of Sports at National Changhua University of Education during the second semester in 2015. 581 questionnaires were administered and 572 questionnaires were valid. The valid return rate was 98.45%. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA analysis and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The results of this study are as follows: (a) University students have high demand of using sport facilities. The top concerned factor is “Safety Precautions” and the second one is “The Accessibility of Sport Facilities”. (b) The overall satisfaction of university students’ using sport facilities is moderate and the participants are more satisfied with services provided than facilities. (c) There are significant differences between gender, exercising experience, exercising frequency and exercising duration in the demands of using sport facilities. (d) There are significant differences between gender, exercising experience, exercising frequency and exercising duration in the satisfaction of using sport facilities. (e) The result show a significantly weak positive correlation between the demand and satisfaction of university students’ using sport facilities.


