  • 學位論文


The Effects of Direct Correction and Metalinguistic Explanation on Taiwanese Junior High School Students' Accuracy of the English Articles System

指導教授 : 林國楨


直接訂正與後設語言解釋對台灣國中生英文冠詞用法正確性之影響 研究生:李宛宸 撰 指導教授:林國楨 博士 摘要 本研究目的在於探討直接訂正和後設語言解釋對台灣國中生英文冠詞使用正確性之影響。研究對象為中台灣某國中二年級三個班共89位學生,並採用前測–後測之研究設計,其中兩班為實驗組,隨機分組為直接訂正組 (31人)、後設解釋組 (29人),另一班為對照組 (29人)。寫作測驗中包含三部分:聽寫測驗、短文寫作測驗、和填空測驗作為前測和後測的研究工具, 並以類目標語方法(Target-Like Use)計算三種研究工具裡學生冠詞使用(a/an用以表示名詞為「第一次提及」,the用以表示「前指照應」),再以3(實驗組別)× 2(前後測)混合設計二因子變異數分析進行統計考驗,當達顯著差異時,再以塔基檢定法(Tukey)進行事後比較。研究結果顯示,對於直接訂正和後設語言解釋聚焦式回饋訂正對於提升聽寫測驗和短文寫作測驗之冠詞使用正確性效果無差異,而在填空測驗中,後設語言解釋回饋訂正對於提升填空測驗之冠詞使用正確性有顯著效果。本研究的結果可作為英文老師有效使用聚焦式修正性回饋之參考,也提供一些修正性回饋以外的建議以幫助學生改善其冠詞使用。 關鍵詞:英語寫作回饋、直接訂正、後設語言解釋、英文冠詞、國中生


The Effects of Direct Correction and Metalinguistic Explanation on Taiwanese Junior High School Students’ Accuracy of the English Articles System Graduate Student: Wan-Chen Lee Advisor: Dr. Guo-Jen Lin ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of direct correct (DC) and metalinguistic explanation (ME) of written corrective feedback (WCF) on junior high school students’ accuracy of the English articles system. 89 junior high school students participated in this experiment and were randomly assigned into three different types of WCF, the DC group (n = 31), the ME group (n = 29), and a control group (n = 29) to investigate whether WCF was a productive teaching technique to improve the accuracy of the English articles system of junior high school students. Participants were asked to take the three experimental writing tasks (the speeded dictation test, the four sequential pictures writing test and the gap-filling test) on the pretest and posttest, respectively. The target-like use (TLU) analysis was used to calculate the percent accuracy of the two purposed English articles system, the indefinite a (first mention) and the definite the (subsequent mention), in the three experimental writing tasks. The percent accuracy of each experimental writing task was analyzed the statistical differences in a 3 (groups) × 2 (tests) mixed-design two-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc test. On the pretest and posttest, the results showed two findings. The first was that the DC group and the ME group in the speeded dictation test and the four sequential pictures writing test were both ineffective. The second was that the ME group was a productive teaching tool to help junior high school students to acquire the two main functional articles system in English in the gap-filling test. Keywords: written corrective feedback, direct correction, metalinguistic explanation, English articles system, junior high school students.


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