  • 學位論文

以PISA 2012探究臺灣學生情境、環境與性情經歷因素對數學焦慮之研究

Using PISA 2012 to Explore the Effects of Situation Antecedents, Environmental Antecedents, and Dispositional Antecedents on Students’ Mathematics Anxiety in Taiwan

指導教授 : 龔心怡


本研究旨在以Cemen(1987)所提出的數學焦慮反應模式為理論基礎,來探討臺灣學生的情境、環境與性情經歷因素對數學焦慮之預測,再分析各潛在變項上的性別差異。本研究以PISA 2012填答B式問卷之2,011位臺灣學生為研究樣本,依據相關理論及文獻建構情境、環境與性情經歷因素對數學焦慮的結構方程模式。本研究分析結果如下:(一)整體結構模式與觀察變項的資料適配度良好。(二)學生的情境經歷因素分別對性情經歷因素與數學焦慮,均具有顯著且正向的直接預測;以及對數學焦慮具有顯著且負向的間接預測;即性情經歷因素具有部分中介效果。(三)學生的環境經歷因素分別對性情經歷因素與數學焦慮,均具有顯著且正向的直接預測;以及對數學焦慮具有顯著且負向的間接預測;即性情經歷因素具有部分中介效果。(四)學生的性情經歷因素對數學焦慮具有顯著且負向的直接預測。(五)學生在環境、性情經歷因素皆達到性別的差異,且男生高於女生;而不同性別在數學焦慮上亦達顯著,顯示女生高於男生。針對上述研究發現,提出具體的建議以供教學輔導與未來研究參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of situation, envi-ronmental, and dispositional antecedents on students’ mathematics anxiety in Taiwan based on the mathematical anxiety response model proposed by Cemen (1987) and to analyze gender differences in each latent factors. Participants were 2,011 Taiwanese students who completed the B-type questionnaire in PISA 2012 dataset. Utilizing the structural equation modeling, the structural model of situation, environmental, dispositionnnal factors, and mathematical anxiety was constructed. The results indicated as follows: first, the proposed model indicated a reasonable modeling fit. Second, students’ situation antecedents had a significant and positive ef-fects on dispositionnnal antecedents and mathematical anxiety directly and had a significant and negative effect on mathematics anxiety indirectly; that is, dispositionnnal antecedents was a partial mediatior. Third, students’ environmental antecedents had a significant and positive effects on dispo-sitionnnal antecedents and mathematical anxiety directly and had a signif-icant and negative effect on mathematics anxiety indirectly; that is, dispo-sitionnnal antecedents was a partial mediatior. Fourth, students’ disposi-tionnnal antecedents had a significant and negative effect on mathematics anxiety directly. Fifth, there were gender differences in environmental antecedents, dispositionnnal antecedents and mathematics anxiety. Boys had higher environmental and dispositionnnal antecedents than girls whereas girls had higher mathematics anxiety than boys. The suggestions and implications of these findings were discussed for parents, teachers and future research.


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