  • 學位論文


The research of linking regional family welfare service center resources-take kaohsiung as an example

指導教授 : 趙善如博士


現行各類型社會福利服務資源是依法令以各服務族群為對象,因而產生片段不連接且支離破碎的問題,且由於福利資源有限,無法普及規劃設置,站在福利輸送的角度是不足的,站在資源分布的角度是不均的,而這樣的福利資源亦難以滿足服務使用者之需求。高雄市因應中央政策推動設置區域性家庭福利服務中心,本研究即以其為對象,採深入訪談方式進行研究,研究目的在了解學者專家、社會局核心人員及網絡合作人員對中心的期待與功能定位、探索中心應建置的資源、了解促成組織間連結關係的影響性因素及找到中心資源連結建構理想策略。 研究發現在中心定位上建議設定為區域性的社會福利單一窗口,以整合各類資源提供可近性在地化的服務;核心對象以經濟弱勢及迫切需求者為主,但在高雄市對於單親家庭及失業者的福利需求應特別注意;服務功能則強調區域特性發揮在地功能。而因應資源連結上的問題,倡導及開發新資源是努力的方向,但建立公私部門合作的夥伴關係才是資源連結永續之道。探討資源連結組織間的影響性因素,發現如能對組織越多良性互動,就越能促成合作的關係,而目標是朝服務整合的最高合作層次邁進。另外從制度觀點,資源連結如有合法性基礎為依據,較能確保雙方的權利義務關係,也能增進雙方的互動和合作,對服務整合工作是有助益的。是以從政策規劃、公私部門互動及執行策略三面向提出中心未來規劃的建議。


Complying with policy of the government, Koahsiung city has been establishing the regional family welfare service centers. This research, taking Koahsiung city as an object, has following four purposes.1.To know the scholars, experts, the core personnel in Social Bureau and social welfare network personnel’s expectations to regional family welfare service center as well as its’ functional positioning.2.To realize the influential factors which impel the links between organizations.3.To explore the resources which regional family welfare center must establish in order to develop its’ function.4.To discover the perfect strategies for the resources-linking between regional family welfare service centers This research, finding out the positioning of center, suggests to establish the regional social welfare one-stop window to integrate all kinds of resources, to provide the accessibly regional services mainly for the people who is weak in finance and has urgent demand. But in Kaohsing city, we should pay more attention to the welfare demands of single-parent family and unemployers.In order to deal with the problems in linking the resources, advocating and exploiting the new resources are the targets to be put more efforts on, but to link resources eternally, the cooperation partnership between the public and private sectors must be established. Studying the influential factors of resources-linking between organizations, this research finds out the facts that more and better interactions to the organization can bring about the cooperation relationship and stride forward to the service-integration. In addition,the bilateral rights and obligations can be more secured, and cooperation between two parties will be enhanced as well as it is helpful to the service-integration if the resources-linking can be completed based on the laws. Hence this research, via three points,-the policy-planning, the interaction between public and private sectors and the executive strategies, suggests the ways for planning the establishment of regional welfare service center in the future.




