  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Kaohsiung Central Park Planning on Inhabitated Creature.

指導教授 : 簡勇成


綠地是地球生態系統的能量供給重地,但卻在人類追求舒適的生活環境中,將原有綠地空間伴隨著都市化程度的增加逐漸被佔據與切割,綠色植物也逐漸減少,生物族群之分佈逐漸孤立與零碎。如何增加綠地面積並串連都市中零碎綠地,已成為今日公園管理的重要議題之ㄧ。 為串連高雄市的所有公園及綠地空間,高雄市中央公園以「自然森林形態」為宗旨進行規劃改建,藉以降低生物族群之孤立。本研究以田野調查為基礎,為檢核追蹤其改建後之生態效益,本研究首先經由相關文獻回顧,確認影響環境因子的項目,其次針對研究範圍內的規劃設施、人類活動、植物、動物,進行調查與分析比對,並繪製分析後的相關圖表,得到公園內具體缺失事項,並針對公園環境設計與施作盲點提出具體改善建議。 本研究經調查分析後,得到結果如下: 1. 人為干擾情形嚴重影響動物數量、種類、活動與分佈情形,應將人類活動範圍降到最低,以提供較大生物良好棲息環境。 2. 缺乏植群層次結構與多孔隙環境,應增加植物自由生長的環境,達到複層次的混種密林植群環境,創造多孔隙與小空間環境,提供動物築巢與藏身。 3. 公園與四週道路聯結性小,產生島嶼理論現象,公園內部因園道設施產生棲地破碎現象,應創造聯繫的生態廊道,保持區域完整性,以提高動物移動性。 4. 公園內的水域環境吸引多種生物集聚,串聯水域通路將創造聯繫的生態廊道,降低生物棲地破碎程度。


Green landscape is a source of energy to an ecological system in the earth. However, following the pursuit of more comfortable environment buy human, landscapes has been gradually destroyed and aggravated sharply in the last decades. With fragmental green landscapes, the biological populations are isolated and separated. How to increase the size of urban green landscapes and connect fragmented green landscapes have now become one of the vital issue in park management nowadays. In order to connect all other parks and green landscapes, the Kaohsiung Central Parks has been rebuilt to upgrade to as a natural forest park. The purpose is to minimize the isolation of biological populations. This research started with reviewing the literatures and identifying the environmental impact factors. The investigation was carried out on human activities, the amount of plants and animals within the research area. Each facility was located. All data were displayed with charts and tables. After investigation and analysis, some conclusions are made as following: 1. Human activities are the most serious impact factors to the habitat of animals. Reducing the human disturbance will improve the friendly environment for creatures. 2. Because of lack of botanic cluster structure in different layers and porous environment, it needs to increase multiple layers of botanic clusters for birds nesting and hiding. 3. The paths divides park into several blocks, it should reduce the of paths to lower the degree of island phenomenon. 4. The ponds in the park attract many biological clusters. The connect of those ponds and creation of an ecologic corridor can diminish habitat fragmentation.


