  • 學位論文


A Study of Fishery Development Strategy in Ecological and Leisure on Liuchiu

指導教授 : 蔡青園


小琉球有「海上公園」之稱,是全台唯一的珊瑚礁島嶼,也是最具特色的一個自然島嶼,面積6.8平方公里,名列世界7個6平方公里以上的珊瑚礁島嶼之一,像一顆海上明珠,在湛藍的大海中展現出美麗迷人的風情。 本研究因地制宜,規劃其休閒漁業的發展,並設計研擬具體可行且促進觀光之策略,以做為公部門將來發展小琉球觀光事業重要的參考。並期望帶給島上的漁民不管在遠、近沿岸漁業逐漸沒落的時空背景下,從原本的「傳統產業」成功轉型為「無煙囪產業」之參考,研究結果如下: 發展生態觀光前提必須做好海洋及生態保育行為,即可滿足資源保育、休閒遊憩、漁民生計等三大訴求,以達永續發展的目標。並以市場為經濟效益導向及生態保育為基礎。配合觀光而做的整體規劃有以下幾點:1.加強各景點遊憩解說員。2.增加觀光碼頭海釣或水上遊樂區。3.加強潮間帶生態保護區。4.做好護漁的保育工作,將獵漁者轉型成護漁者。 本研究建議,致力於推動小琉球地區之休閒漁業,達到生態永續經營,依當地特色研擬以下幾點建議:1.結合當地漁村文化合作經營策略。2.做好生態資源保護,永續發展。3.建構休閒漁業服務系統策略。4.整合行銷策略,並擬相關的配套措施。


Liuchiu Ocean Park is the only one coral reef and the most particular natural island in Taiwan. Its area is 6.8 square kilometer. It’s the most beautiful coral reef island which have more than 6 square kilometer area of seven islands around the world. It is just likes a shinny jewel on the sea, to spray its charm and beauty in the blue ocean. The study focus on the island, do plan for leisure fishery development and to set up strategies of tourism promotion for government on Liuchiu development. Whether inshore or pelagic fishing was fallen gradually that was transform from primary production to tertiary industry. There are lots of useful reference resources. The study results are as follows: For development of ecotourism, we need to do right to the ocean and eco-conservation. Besides, we need to satisfy three mainly demands of resource conservation, leisure recreation and fisher life in order to reach the goal of sustainable development. In order to take the benefit from the market and take eco-conservation as foundation, we got to do tourism planning as below: 1.Every scenic spot need commentators. 2. To increase the numbers of tourism harbor or water entertainment area. 3. To enlarge tidal eco-reserve area. 4. To do fish-protecting conservation that is to transform fish-hunters to fish-protector. The study strongly suggests promoting leisure fishery of Liuchiu, in order to achieve eco-sustainable administration. We give suggestion according to local charasteristics as follows: 1. To combines local fishery villages’ and cooperate administration strategies altogether. 2. To protect eco-resources with sustainable development. 3. To construct leisure fishery service system strategy. 4. To integrate marketing strategies and relevant supplementary.


宋秉明,1995,生態觀光之規劃架構—以綠島為例,觀光研究學報,1期, 3卷,45-52。
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