  • 學位論文


Effects of rice straw composts and other media on the


本研究在開發一種以基質攙入禽畜糞製成的栽培介質,藉以增強蘑菇菌絲及子實體的生長。改善建構菇舍,於菇舍內測試最佳生長條件的溫、濕度。改善結果提供商業生產巴西蘑菇最適宜的栽種流程。本研究結果顯示不同禽畜糞做成之堆肥上接種麥粒菌種第30日量測菌絲平均長度(cm)依遞減排序為牛糞(6.57±0.37), 羊糞(5.49±0.56), 對照組(3.29±0.37)及 雞糞(2.17±0.47),四者間均有顯著差異(p < 0.05)。菌絲長至堆肥上約3/4面積時成長日數依遞增序,堆肥厚度為6cm需29.13±1.25天,8cm需29.67±0.72天,10cm需30.87±0.83天,其中6cm與8cm無顯著差異(p> 0.05),但兩者皆與10cm者有顯著差異(p< 0.05)。不同堆肥厚度所生成之子實體平均重量,厚度為6cm者為30.78±4.48 g,8cm為34.89±3.88 g,10cm為33.80±6.54 g,三者間均無顯著差異。三種不同堆肥厚度每100cm2所生產子實體平均產量依序遞增在堆肥厚度為6cm時其平均產量最低(30.38±1.77 g),依次為 8cm(33.03±2.42 g),10cm(33.19±1.91 g),8cm與10cm無顯著差異(p> 0.05),但兩者與6cm比較均有顯著差異(p< 0.05)。覆土厚度2±0.5cm所生產子實體每平方公尺平均重量為28.26±0.27 g,3.5±0.5cm者為30.38±0.59 g,5±0.5cm者為30.69±0.3 g,其中3.5±0.5cm與5±0.5cm兩者間相較無顯著差異(p> 0.05),但兩者與2±0.5cm比較均有顯著差異(p< 0.05)。綜合以上結果,最佳的巴西蘑菇子實體種植流程是以基質資材重量比為木屑:米糠:蔗渣:泥碳土:牛糞= 4:1:1:1:1.3,接種麥粒菌種製成太空包,待長滿菌絲,接種於裝有堆肥之塑膠盆中,堆肥成份重量比為稻稈:牛糞:石灰:P2O5:尿素:米糠 = 80:32:2.4:1.6:2.4:2.4,經二次發酵製成,pH 7-7.5。待菌絲已長滿3/4面積即予以覆土,覆土之土壤成份以體積比約為黏土(loam):泥碳土(peat):園藝用有機肥土(potting soil):人工蛭石(vermiculite):石灰(CaCO3)= 5: 3: 1: 2: 1,噴以少許水使土壤濕度約為20-60 %,置於通風良好、保溫、保濕的菇舍中,平均溫度25-26 ℃,空氣濕度維持於80-85%,土壤平均濕度維持在20-60%,待菌絲長至土表(約5-6週),開始控制噴霧時間長短,維持菌絲上能有像露水般之水珠但盆內不積水,菇蕾長出時亦同,直至子實體成熟。


巴西蘑菇 木質素 栽培介質 牛糞 基質


This study was to develop a cultural medium consisting of a substratum fortified with animal manure to enhance the growth of mycelia and fruiting bodies of a mushroom, Agaricus blazei Murrill, under a simple, fabricated mushroom house, in which the best growth conditions of temperature and humidity were tested. Based on the test result, the average length of A. blazei measured on the 30th day after wheat germ spawn was inoculated in a compost fortified with different animal manure was the longest in that of cattle manure (6.57±0.37cm), followed by goat manure (5.49±0.56cm), the control (3.29±0.37cm), and then chicken manure (2.17±0.47cm). There were significant differences among the composts fortified with 4 different animal manure (p<0.05). The average number of days required for mycelia to grow till covering ¾ of the surface of the container was shortest when the thickness of the compost was at 6cm (29.13±1.25 days), followed by 8cm (29.67±0.72 days), and 10cm (30.87±0.83 days). Among the 3 different thickness composts, there was no significant difference between 6cm and 8cm (p>0.05); however, both composts at 6cm and 8cm were significantly different from that of 10cm (p<0.05). The average weight of each fruiting body grown in these 3 different thickness composts was 34.89±3.88g at 8cm, 33.80±6.54g at 10cm and 30.78±4.48g at 6cm. However, there were no significant differences in the average weight of each fruiting body among the 3 thickness composts (p>0.05). The results also showed that the average weight of fruiting body per 100cm2 was the heaviest at 10cm (33.19±1.91g), followed by 8cm (33.03±2.42g) and then 6cm (30.38±1.77g). There was no significant difference between 10cm and 8cm (p>0.05); however, they both were significantly heavier than 6cm (p<0.05). In addition, with different thickness of soil covering mycelia, the average weight of the fruiting body per 1.0 m2 produced was 30.69±0.3g at the soil thickness of 5.0±0.5cm, which was followed by 30.38±0.59g at 3.5±0.5cm and then 28.26±0.27g at 2.0±0.5cm. Among these different thickness of soil covered , there was no significant difference between 3.5±0.5cm and 5.0±0.5cm (p>0.05); however, they both were significantly heavier fruiting bodies than that of 2.0±0.5cm (p<0.05). Based on the results of the above studies, the most suitable cultivating procedures were thus proposed for commercial scale production of A. blazei mycelia and fruiting bodies. The procedures involved the use of a cultural substratum of sawdust : rice bran : sugar cane bagasse : peat moss : cattle manure at a w/w ratio of 4 : 1 : 1 : 1.3. This medium was seeded with wheat grain spawn of A. blazei and then bagged in plastic bags. After mycelia were fully developed in the bags, they were transferred to a rectangular plastic tray containing a compost made of rice straw : cow manure : CaCO3 : P2O5 : urea ; rice bran at a (w/w) ratio of 80 : 32 : 2.4 : 16 : 2.4 : 2.4. After being subjected to two fermentation processes, the final pH of the compost was at 7 – 7.5. When the growth of mycelia occupied 3/4 of the surface of a tray, the mycelia were covered with a combination of loamy soil : peat moss : potting soil : vermiculite : CaCO3 at a (v/v) ratio of 5 : 3 : 1 : 2 : 1, which was sprinkled with water until the soil moisture reaching at about 20-60%. The cultural trays were placed in a mushroom house, which was maintained at an average temperature of 25 – 26oC, air humidity of 80 – 85%, and average soil moisture of 20 – 60%. When mycelia grew up to the soil surface of the trays (ca. 5 – 6 wks), controlled fogging was initiated in the mushroom house to ensure that dew-like water drops formed on mycelia but without free water collected in the trays. Fogging was continued until mushroom buds and fruiting bodies fully developed.


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