  • 學位論文


A Study of Managerial Current Situation of Junior High School Sport Teams in Pingtung County

指導教授 : 鍾鳳嬌


論文摘要內容: 本研究旨在瞭解屏東縣國民中學運動代表隊實施之經營現況,以及所面臨的困境,以釐清問題的癥結並尋求解決之道。本研究採用問卷調查法及深度訪談法,問卷調查對象以屏東縣九十六學年度各國民中學運動代表隊實際負責人為對象,深度訪談對象為屏東縣政府體育行政業務負責人、屏東縣九十六學年度各國民中學體育行政主管及實際組訓人員。 茲將本研究結果歸納如下: 一、 屏東縣國民中學運動代表隊之組織現況 屏東縣國民中學運動代表隊以田徑最多,其次為跆拳、游泳、柔 道、羽球、排球。代表隊的類型總計24種,226個運動代表隊,1777 位運動員,男子134隊共1267人,女子92隊共510 人。 二、 屏東縣國民中學運動代表隊經營現況 (一)選擇發展項目的原則以延續傳統優勢項目最多,選拔條件以具有興趣較多,選拔方式以學生隨時自動報名較多。(二)教練來源以體育教師兼任最多,教練性別比例男性教練較多,獎勵教練措施以記功嘉獎較多,大多數的教練無減授時數、無發給鐘點費。(三)獎勵選手以記功嘉獎較多,選手編班以分散各班較多。(四)經費來源以學校編列之年度預算較多。(五)訓練時段以下午較多,訓練天數以每週訓練五天較多,寒暑假有訓練的學校較多。(六)有擬定年度訓練計畫,並確實實施的學校較多,訂有學生課業輔導辦法,並確實實施的學校較多,訂有學生生活輔導辦法,並確實實施的學校較多。(七) 就讀高中(職)體育班佔48.08%。(八)知道縣府是否有訂定輔導、獎勵辦法以不清楚較多。 三、 屏東縣國民中學運動代表隊經營所面臨的困境 (一)面臨的問題以經費不足較多。(二)班級導師態度以大部份 支持較多。(三)學校以沒有編列經費居多,在有編列經費的代表隊學校以10萬元以下較多。(四)以沒有成立家長後援會的居多,有成立家長後援會的學校支援項目以經費支援比賽到場加油較多。(五)中途退訓原因以訓練太辛苦較多。


The purpose of this study was to understand managerial current situation and the difficulty of junior high school sport teams in Pingtung County. Then we could clarify the crux of the problem and solve it. The results of this study were summarized as the followings: 1. The organization current situation of junior high school sport teams in Pingtung County. (1)The Junior high school sport teams in Pingtung County were mainly composed of the track and field. The next but one was taekwondo, swimming, judo, badminton, volleyball. There were total 226 sport teams belonging to 24 different sport items as well as 1,777 athletes, including the 1,267 male members in 134 teams and the 510 female members in the other 92 teams. 2. The managerial current situation of junior high school sport teams in Pingtung County. (1)The principle development project that the sport teams chose was to continue the traditional superiority project in large part. The condition of the selection depended on interest to be more. (2)The training originates by the PE teacher hold a concurrent post occupies most. Trainer’s sex proportion was many by the male. The reward trainers measure records to be more .The majority of trainers did not decrease their teaching hours. The majority of trainers did not get their hour pay. (3)Rewards for the contestant by recording merit were more. The contestants were usually divided into various classes.(4)The funds originated by the school arrange in order the annual budget to be more.(5)The training time was in the afternoon. The training days were five days a week more. Most of the schools had academic counseling to students and actually implemented. (6)Those schools draw usually up the annual plan and implement truly. Most of the schools had academic counseling to students and actually implemented. Most of the schools had student life counseling approach and actually implemented. (7)The percentage of students was going to sports class in high school (vocational school) 48. (8)Most schools didn't know whether or not the county government had schedules counseling and the rewarding means. 3. The Pingtung county junior high school sport teams face the problem of management. (1)The major problem was the funds insufficiency. (2)The teacher's support attitude was more. (3) The school most had not arranged in order the funds. A provision of the schools was less than 100,000 dollars. (4)The majority did not have the supporters' association. There were supporters' association refuels what by the funds support and the competition arrives to encourage more. (5)The reason for leaving sport team was due to training was too hard.


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