  • 學位論文


Factors and process for the appearance and reduction of high-risk child-adolescent family risk

指導教授 : 趙善如


為能進一步預防兒童少年受虐事件的發生,高風險兒童少年家庭的關懷輔導已成為重要的機制,因此進一步瞭解高風險兒童少年家庭風險產生與風險降低之因素,是進行高風險兒童少年家庭關懷輔導的重要依據。所以本研究之目的即是:探究高風險兒童少年家庭可能面對的問題類型或情況,發現風險形成之因素,與家庭問題獲得解決的原因,並且嘗試建構出高風險兒童少年家庭降低風險的方式,以提供相關工作人員於協助彼等家庭之參考。 本研究運用質性研究的一對一深入訪談方式,進行資料收集;且以生態系統理論中個人、家庭、社區及社會四大面向為架構,尋找不同層面中可能造成高風險兒童少年家庭產生及降低風險的因素,並企圖建構高風險兒童少年家庭歷經風險之過程。另外,本研究是採立意抽樣,研究樣本是以高雄市、高雄縣、屏東縣高風險家庭關懷輔導處遇服務之案家,且正式結案後而願意接受訪問之家庭主要照顧者為主,共訪問13位受訪對象。 研究結果發現,依據風險產生演變的型態,高風險家庭可分為個別事件、風險併發及交錯積累等三種類型。風險產生的原因包含個人、家庭、社區及社會四個層面,包括中高年齡者工作技能不足、親人的增損、家庭系統內互動及家庭資源不佳、社區內的支持系統不足,或是經濟市場的排他性,但以集中於家庭面向因素者居多。 又,在風險降低過程中也有不同的樣貌產生,風險降低的因素主要來自照顧者本身及其家庭、社區內資源三個層面,包括個人行為的改變、對生命及其家庭維繫的信念、擁有正向問題解決能力,家庭凝聚力及其結構的穩定性,以及社區內足夠的支持系統,其中是以個人對家庭的維繫信念最為重要,輔以外在系統的支持下能有機會突破逆境。此外,依據風險降低的歷程,風險降低型態可分成自我成長、同甘共苦、等待機會、自助他助與他助自助型等五種類型。


In order to further prevent child-adolescent abuse, the caring and guidance of high-risk child-adolescent families have become an vital mechanism. Thus, understanding more about the factors for the appearance and reduction of high-risk child-adolescent family risk is the important basis for proceeding the caring and guidance of high-risk child-adolescent families. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the possible question types and situations the high-risk child-adolescent families might encounter, and discover the factors of risk formation and the reasons family problems could be solved. This study also tries to construct a method of reducing the risk of high-risk child-adolescent families for relevant workers reference. This study adopts qualitative research, and data is colleted by one-on-one in-depth interviews. Four aspects form ecological system theory are used as a structure to find out the possible factors that cause the appearance and reductions of high-risk child-adolescent families. They are individual, family, community and society. It is also attempted to construct the risk process that high-risk child-adolescent families might under go. The purposeful random sampling is applied in this study, and 13 main caregivers from the client families of high-risk familiy caring and guidance treatment service in Kaohsiung city, Kaohsiung county and Pingtung county agree to participate in this study after case closing. The results of this study are summarized as follows. Based on the types of risk appearance and evolution, there are three kinds of high-risk families: individual event, successive risk and risk complications. Risk appearance might result from individual, family, community and society. The reasons include: middle-ages persons or person with advanced age do not have sufficient job skills; family members are giving birth or pass away; family system does not work properly; family resources are not good enough, supporting systems within the community are not good enough or the exclusionism in the economic market. Nevertheless, most reasons are from the family aspect. What is more, there exist difference looks within the process of risk reduction. The factors of risk reduction mainly come from the caregivers themselves, their families and the resources in the community. The reasons include individual behavior changes the faith toward life and family preservation, having the positive power of problem solving family cohesive force and its structural stability, and sufficient supporting system in the community. All of these reasons, personal faith toward family preservation is the most important one, which might have the chance to break adverse circumstances if assisted by external systems. Besides, according to the process of risk reduction, the model of risk reduction could be divided into the following types: self-growth type, sharing both bliss and adversity type, self-help-then-people-help type, people-help -then- self-help type.



