  • 學位論文


The activation and reproduction of enjoying leisure and tourism on Rukai tribe culture of Taiwan aborigine--Take Pingtung County Wutai Township as an example

指導教授 : 杜奉賢


本研究旨在研究「臺灣原住民魯凱族文化在休閒觀光之活化與再現──以屏東縣霧臺鄉為例」,希望藉由調查、觀察、訪談及文獻蒐集、分析的過程中,能瞭解霧臺鄉魯凱族文化在休閒觀光產業的活化與再現之實際情形及危機與轉機。 本研究則根據所彙整的資料,獲致以下的結論: 一、魯凱文化活化與再現方面 (一)霧臺鄉魯凱族人重視傳統文化在地生根與傳承。 (二)觀光產品呈多樣、極富創意巧思精緻。 二、在休閒農業方面 (一)善用在地農產品特色,創造農產品附加價值,增加農民收益。 (二)可耕地面積狹小,又大部分位在陡峭處,較少平坦山坡地,限制了休閒農業之發展。 三、文化休閒觀光 (一)霧臺鄉魯凱族文化豐富,仍保有傳統風味,可惜受到宗教及漢文化之影響,已逐漸在變化中。 (二)霧臺鄉之文化觀光因部分節慶有其季節性,而較偏重參觀社區建築物之浮雕、工作坊……等。 四、生態旅遊 (一)居民具有生態智慧並具永續經營、自治、自營生態環境的共識與能力。 (二)可發展冒險探索之旅、狩獵體驗……等主題活動。 五、在行銷策略方面 (一)銷售觀光產品之各餐館、藝品店空間狹小,陳售物品有限,影響觀光客購買意願。 (二)資金不夠充裕,又貸款額度不高,影響了休閒觀光產業之發展。 六、霧臺鄉魯凱文化活化、再現之困境  (一)部落受限於各種法令、先天自然環境之限制及經費、人力之不足,影響霧臺鄉對休閒觀光之規劃、經營。  (二)政府輔導各工作坊挹注之經費有限且幅員遼闊,影響後續發展。 七、休閒觀光產業之影響 (一)對經濟的影響   1.可以增加當地居民收入及就業機會。   2.可能減少勞工對其他產業勞力提供。 (二)對社會文化的影響 1.藉開發瞭解在地文化之美,提昇認同感與向心力。   2.不同文化之交流與瞭解,導致在地文化、風俗之改變。 (三)對資源環境的影響 1.因開發,使自然、人文環境獲得保護與永續發展。   2.過度開發造成生態破壞的浩劫。 八、霧臺鄉魯凱族社會可發展方向 (一)重視原住民異族休閒觀光產業。 (二)規劃發展各產業專業區並結合休閒觀光。 本研究根據結論,就政府單位、業者、社區、居民應該有的作為,提出不同之建議如下: 一、對政府之建議 (一)加強原住民族文化休閒觀光產業人才之培育,以解決升學及就業之問題。 (二)儘速修正不合時宜、不利原住民地區發展的休閒觀光遊憩法律、行政法規等。 (三)積極規劃三通,繁榮觀光產業,以創造大量就業機會,提昇原住民部落經濟發展,以擺脫落後、沒有未來的汙名化。 二、對社區民間組織之建議 (一)激起魯凱人對族群文化的肯定、認同,並養成熱愛、關懷社區,以促進文化休閒觀光之發展。 (二)結合教會並應用自然景觀及人文資源、內部資源與部落傳統風貌之優勢,發展心靈之旅。 三、對業者及居民建議 (一)建立社區共識,並覺察地方休閒觀光產業的特殊性、永續性,以創造部落就業機會及發展生機,提昇居民社經地位。 (二)規劃多樣、安全,並富主題的休閒觀光活動方案,以提供愛好休閒觀光活動之人士、團體更多樣之選擇。 關鍵字:臺灣原住民、魯凱族文化、休閒、觀光、活化、再現、 屏東縣、霧臺鄉。


The study is to research “the activation and recurrence of Taiwan Aborigine, the Lukai’s tribal culture in leisure and tourism industry---take Wutai Township, Pingtung County for example”, hoping to understand the status quo, crises and junctures in such development by way of investigation, observation, interview, literature collection and analysis. According to all the data disposed, the conclusions are as follows: I. As to the activation and recurrence of the Lukai tribal culture: 1. The Lukai in Wutai Township emphasizes how to make traditional culture rooted in the local area and its heredity. 2. The products of leisure and tourism industry in Wutai are manifold, ingenious and delicate. II. In the aspect of Leisure agricultural industry 1. Adroitly capitalize on local agricultural products to create additional values and increase the revenues for the tribal men. 2. Since the dimensions of tillable fields are so small and most of them located on steep areas, the development of leisure agri-business has been limited. III. Cultural leisure agri-business 1. Wutai Township is full of Lukai tribal culture and still holds its traditional savors, but due to the impact of religion and Han Culture, such kind of culture and tradition has been changing. 2. Since parts of Lukai’s festivals are seasonal, the cultural tourism in Wutai weights more in introducing tourists to visit the relief ateliers and personal studios in the communities. IV. Ecological tourism 1. The inhabitants bear ecological wisdoms, the consensus and capacity of everlasting management, autonomy and self-supporting for ecological environment. 2. They could develop some thematic activities such as a trip of adventurous exploration and an experience of hunting. V. In the aspect of marketing strategies 1. It’s no wonder that the tourists seldom want to purchase since each restaurant and artifact shop which sales touring products is cabined and the variety of merchandises are limited. 2. The development of leisure and tourism industry is ill-impacted by short of funds and banks always allow the dealers few sums of loans. VI. The predicament of activating and reviving Lukai tribal culture in Wutai 1. Limited by various official regulations, innate limitations of natural environment and short of fund as well as manpower, the layout and management of leisure and tourism in Wutai is finite. 2. The funds given to personal studios and ateliers by government are so scarce and the breadth of Wutai Township is so large that the sequel developments are restricted. VII. The impacts of leisure and tourism industry 1. Impact on economic: (1) The industry could increase the incomes and employment of Wutai residents. (2) It might decrease the labors Wutai residents supplied to other industries. 2. Impact on social and culture: (1) It could enhance tribal identification and centripetal-ism by exploiting activities to understand the local culture and its beauty. (2) The inter-exchange and understanding among diverse cultures would inspire the local culture and folk custom to change. 3. Impact on resource and environment: (1) The natural and humanistic environment get protected and developed everlastingly by such kind of exploitation. (2) But over-development might bring a havoc that heavily destroys the ecology. VIII. The directions Wutai Township could develop (1) Wutai could emphasize the different ethic zest Lukai tribal borne to develop their leisure and tourism industry. (2) It could lay out plans to develop various professional areas combined with leisure and tourism. According to the conclusions yielded by this study, the author presents some suggestions in terms of the ways should government, dealers, community and residents do as follows: I. Suggestions for the government 1. The government should reinforce the education of aboriginal timbers for such industry, so as to resolve the problems of higher education and employment. 2. The outdated regulations and administrative prescriptions for leisure and tourism that are disadvantageous for the aboriginal precincts to develop such kind of industry should be modified as quickly as possible. 3. The government should positively lay out plans for “three exchanges” across the Strait so as to prosper the tourism and create tremendous opportunities of employment, then enhance the economic development for the aboriginals, win out backwardness and prevent stigma in the future. II. Suggestions for the folk associations in the community 1. It should inspire the Lukai tribal men to be self-approved and identified with their own ethnic culture and cultivate the enthusiasm and consideration for their communities so as to promote the development of culture, leisure and tourism. 2. It should combine with church and capitalize on the natural landscapes, and humanistic resources, increase domestic resources as well as take advantage of the special aroma in the tribal tradition to develop a kind of psychic trip. III. Suggestions for the dealers and residents 1. They should build up communal consensus and scent out the traits as well as the everlasting predisposition of leisure and tourism industry so as to create the vital opportunities for tribal development and employment, therefore promote the social-economic status of the residents. 2. They should lay out multiple, safe and thematic plan of leisure and touring activities, so as to provide more various choices for those who love to enjoy leisure and touring activities. Keywords: Taiwan aborigine、 Lukai tribal culture、 leisure、tourism、 activation、 recurrence、 Pingtung County、Wutai Township


