  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Different Land Uses on Soil Properties and Soil Losses at Pingdingshan Terrace

指導教授 : 簡士濠


為探究不同土地利用對同質性土壤(第四紀洪積母質紅壤)其土壤性質變化,從中延伸揀選單一化土地利用之土壤與同類型土地利用土壤,比較其土壤性質之差異;最後分析平頂山台地土壤流失量之情形。研究發現不同土地利用下,其變異性對土壤總體密度、孔隙度、空孔比之物理性質有顯著影響(p<0.05),尤以竹林之總密度最低(1.16 Mg/m2)及空孔比最高(1.37)。土壤化學性質方面,其中有顯著變異主要由旱田、畜牧場、香蕉園、鳳梨田及荔枝園等,上述5類影響對本研究試驗之所有土壤化學項目有顯著差異,其次則是竹林與闊葉林(p<0.05)。無論是否轉作,闊葉林能夠穩定土壤pH值、有助水源涵養(黏粒含量與飽和度性質高)並形成良好之團粒結構;整體比較中,若能使不同土地利用相互轉作,比單一化土地利用情形更可截長補短,對土壤性質有相當助益。當集水區出現蝕溝,無法以改變土地利用方式,有效延緩土壤流失情形,仍須進行水土保持處理與維護來改善。另外,同質性土壤土地利用類型與土壤流失之關係,以迴歸分析研究區域涵蓋面積較多之類型,其中旱田(不含牧草田)對土壤沖蝕有顯著正向關之影響(p< 0.001,R2=0.7),若每增加10ha旱田的土地利用面積,集水區將增加土壤流失量43.2ton/ha-yr。


To explore the different land uses on soil homogeneity (Quaternary alluvial parent material red) change in the nature of its soil, from which extends chosen unitary land uses soil with the same type of land uses of soil, to compare the differences in soil properties; final analysis of soil mesa mesa the amount of the loss situation. Study found that different land uses, its variability on soil bulk density, porosity, pore over the physical properties have a significant effect (p<0.05), especially in the total density of bamboo lowest (1.16 Mg/m2) and voids ratio highest (1.37). Soil chemical properties, which have significant variations mainly by dry, livestock farms, banana plantations, pineapple fields and litchi, etc., affect the five categories of research and test all of the items have significant differences in soil chemistry and, secondly, bamboo and broadleaf forests (p<0.05). Whether or transferred, broadleaf forests to stabilize soil pH, water conservation helps (clay content and saturation properties of high) and the formation of good crumb structure; overall comparison, if we make another turn for different land uses than simplification of land uses cases but also short and finally, on soil properties are quite helpful. Eclipse occurs when the catchment ditch, unable to change the land uses, soil erosion effectively delay the case, processing and maintenance of soil and water conservation is still needed to improve. In addition, the homogeneity of soil types and soil erosion land uses relationships, regression analysis of the study area covers an area of more types, including dry (excluding pasture field) on soil erosion significantly positively related to the impact (p<0.001, R2=0.7), if for each additional 10ha upland land uses area, catchment soil loss will increase 43.2ton/ha-yr.


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