  • 學位論文


Effects of Foliar Spray with Cytokinin and Calcium Nitrate on Growth and Inflorescence Development and Quality of Oncidiums Honey Angel.

指導教授 : 顏昌瑞


摘要 學號:N10211009 論文名稱:葉面噴施細胞分裂素與硝酸鈣對文 心蘭生長與花序發育及品質之影響 總頁數:65 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系(所)別:農園生產系 畢業時間及摘要別:103學年度第二學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:王 銘 鴻 指導教授:顏 昌 瑞 論文摘要內容: 本試驗以目前臺灣文心蘭主要切花品種 Oncidium ‘Honey Angel’ (俗稱‘檸檬綠’)為試驗材料,探討養液栽培配合葉面噴施 Kinetin、6-benzyladeninepurine (BA) 及硝酸鈣(Ca(NO3)2) 對文心蘭花序發育及品質、營養芽生長之影響,以期調節文心蘭在非盛產期開花及提高花序品質。 植株於2014年6月中旬營養芽萌發,9月假球莖出鞘,文心蘭 Oncidium ‘Honey Angel’ 植株生長期間因經歷臺灣屏東炎熱夏季,溫度30oC 以上高溫,假球莖瘦扁、碳水化合物蓄積不足,抽梗後葉面噴施細胞分裂素( Cytokinin, CTKs ),並無法改善花梗生長與切花品質,與對照組無顯著差異。但是對營養芽數增加與縮短當代假球莖營養芽萌發天數,則有顯著差異,文心蘭 ‘Honey Angel’ 葉面噴施 Kinetin (150、200 ppm )較對照組提早10天萌發營養芽;而葉面噴施0.6、0.8 mM (BA) 營養芽數為1.9芽數、營養芽萌發提早在切花前5.8天萌發,較對照組提 早27天萌發營養芽,皆較對照組有顯著差異。抽梗後葉面噴施硝酸鈣 Ca(NO3)2 對文心蘭 Oncidium ‘Honey Angel’ 植株生長與切花品質則有些微提升作用,以300 ppm 硝酸鈣Ca(NO3)2 處理,假球莖寬、厚度及切花品質(花梗長、分叉數及小花朵數)較對照組有顯著提升,但營養芽數與萌發營養天數,則與對照組無顯著差異。 關鍵字:文心蘭、產期調節、細胞分裂素、鈣


文心蘭 產期調節 細胞分裂素


Abstract Student ID:N10211009 Title of thesis:Effects of Foliar Spray with Cytokinin and Calcium Nitrate on Growth and Inflorescence Development and Quality of Oncidiums Honey Angel. Total page:65 Name of Institute:Department of Plant Industry Graduate date:2015.5 Degree Conferred:Master Name of student:Ming- Hung Wang Adviser:Chung - Ruey Yen Ph.D. The contents of abstract in this thesis: Effects of foliar spray cytokinins (kinetin and BA) and calcium on growth and flowering in Oncidium Onc. “Honey Angel” were studied to promote off-season and improve inflorescences quality. The applications of cytokinins in warm Pingtung summer did not improve flower growth and quality. However, the treatments significantly increased vegetative bud number and shortened the days of pseudobulbs bud emergence. Foliar kinetin (150-200ppm) spray promoted vegetative bud emergence 9 days earlier than control. The growth of vegetative buds (1.9) of 0.6-0.8Mm 6-benzyladeninepurine (BA) was 5.8 days before cut flower, and 27 days earlier than control. The treatment of 300ppm Ca(NO3)2 increased plant growth and flower quality. The width and thickness of the pseudobulbs and length of flower stalks and number of branch and florets were significantly better than control. However, the number of vegetative buds and the days of bud emergence were not different. Key words:Oncidium、Regulation of Flowering、Cytokinin、Calcium


Oncidium Cytokinin Regulation of Flowering Calcium


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