  • 學位論文


The Influences of Travel Motivation, Recreational Experience and Travel Satisfaction on Revisiting Intention-A Case Study of The One and Only Crocodile Zoological Farm

指導教授 : 鄭秋桂


本研究以不一樣鱷魚生態休閒農場為研究對象,以問卷方式探討該農場遊客的旅遊動機、遊憩體驗、旅遊滿意度與重遊意願的關係。本研究的統計分析方法為敘述統計分析、信度分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析與路徑分析。本次共回收400份有效問卷,構面的信度都都在信度良好的標準之上。 本研究針對不同遊客背景對旅遊動機、遊憩體驗、旅遊滿意度及重遊意願分別進行差異分析分析,經實證分析可發現受訪者背景對旅遊動機分析、遊憩體驗、旅遊滿意度及重遊意願大部分具有顯著差異。 研究結果發現,旅遊動機對旅遊滿意度有正向影響關係;遊憩體驗對旅遊滿意度有正向影響關係;旅遊滿意度對重遊意願有正向顯著影響性,由路徑分析得知,影響重遊意願的構面變數中,以旅遊滿意度影響性最大。本研究之結果,年紀較大與學歷較高者對於鱷魚農場較感到興趣,在遊憩體驗中,與旅遊動機部份相似,學歷研究所以上、月收入較高者與東部地區的遊客,對於鱷魚農場認同度較高,本研究建議業者必須根據市場區隔提供不同的選擇。 關鍵字:旅遊動機、遊憩體驗、旅遊滿意度、重遊意願


In this study, in order use questionnaire to explore the relationship tourists travel motivation, recreation experience, travel satisfaction and revisiting intention on “The One And Only Crocodile Zoological Farm”. Statistical analysis of the study was descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, t test, ANOVA, regression analysis and path analysis. The total recovery of 400 valid questionnaires, reliability facets are all on good reliability standards. In this study, different backgrounds to travel motivations of tourists, recreation experience, tourism satisfaction and willingness to revisit variance analysis were analyzed. Through empirical analysis can be found in the background of the respondents motivation analysis of tourism, recreation experiences, tourism satisfaction and willingness to revisit most of them have significant differences. The results found that: tourism motivation for tourism satisfaction has a positive impact; recreation experience satisfaction of tourism has a positive impact; tourism satisfaction revisit willingness to have a positive significant effect of. By the path analysis showed that the influence of the will revisit facets variables in order to travel the greatest affect sexual satisfaction. The study presents recommendations based on the results of research: In the recreation experience, and travel motivations part similar education institutes, visitors monthly income is higher and the eastern region, a high degree of recognition for the crocodile farm. Therefore it recommends crocodile farm industry must provide different options based on market segmentation. Keyword: Travel Motivation, Recreational Experience, Travel Satisfaction, Revisiting Intention


周秀蓉,2008,遊憩吸引力和遊憩體驗對顧客滿意度及重遊意願之影響-以六福村主題樂園為例,明新學報,34卷,2期,267- 288。
