  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Fertilizer Spreader Device with Farm Wagon on Sugar Apple Farm in Taitung

指導教授 : 陳光堯




Sugar apple is one of most important fruit tree in Taitung. Farmers usually applied fertilizer by hand, which is a hard work and very lobar-intensive. There were different kinds of fertilizer spreaders developed before, but none has been successfully used in sugar apple orchard because of price, mechanical stability, and other issues. We used a fertilizer spreader device with farm wagon developed by Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan for this research. Experiments were conducted to exam characteristics of the spreader, its fuel consumption and operation efficiency. The fertilizer experiment consisted of 3 treatments: using mechanical spreader three times with fertilizer 1600 kg/ha, using mechanical spreader five times with fertilizer 1440 kg/ha (90%), and hand applying three times with fertilizer 1600 kg/ha. The mineral content of soil and leaf before and after fertilizer treatment were analyzed and individual fruit weight was recorded. Results showed that the fertilizer spreader device with farm wagon can effectively apply different types of fertilizers in sugar apple orchard. The average operation rate is 1.43 ha/hr, which was 7 times of manual operation rate (0.2 ha/hr). The average fuel consumption was 1.93 l/ha. The soil analysis showed soil nitrogen content was not affected by different treatments. Leaf analysis showed all treatments can increase the content of N, P and K respectively, and using mechanical spreader five times with fertilizer 1440 kg/ha (90%) showed the largest effect. There was no significant difference among fruit weight. Based on the cost analysis, to purchase spreader machinery at 35,000 NT dollars and operate on a minimum area of 1ha could be more cost efficient than that of hand applying operation.


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