  • 學位論文


Soil carbon storages of landslide scars occurred at different years in Tsengwen reservoir

指導教授 : 簡士濠


本研究於台灣南部曾文水庫集水區上游,探討不同年份崩塌地土壤有機碳儲存量。研究區域年份為2009、2004、1989、1974及1963年,依不同年份的崩塌地地上部植被內各採集五個土壤樣體及凋落物,每個土壤樣體採集不同深度之土壤,分析土壤中之有機碳含量、總體密度及含石量,凋落物則分析全碳含量,利用分析結果估算土壤樣體中的碳儲存量。結果顯示土壤有機碳儲存量在不同年份崩塌地與未擾動區域有顯著差異(P<0.05)。在崩塌地部分,2009年儲存量最低,因土壤深度未達30公分,估算結果為0.3 kg C 30 cm-1 m-2;1963年最高,在不同深度之碳儲存量分別為3.4 kg C 30 cm-1 m-2,5.2 kg C 50 cm-1 m-2與12.2 kg C m-1 m-2;其次則為1974年和1989年。不同凋落物的碳含量,顯示出對於崩塌地土壤有機碳儲存量貢獻不同。土壤有機碳含量與土壤pH值顯著呈負相關(P<0.0001)。曾文水庫集水地區土壤中的碳有20%集中在表土30公分土層中,有30%集中在50公分處,而50%集中在50公分至1公尺土層中。從研究結果顯示,1974和1963年崩塌地經過40-50年的碳累積與恢復,其碳含量高於未擾動區域,而1989年僅經過20年左右的恢復,碳含量低於未擾動區域。在碳的恢復速率部分,2009至2004年間,碳的恢復速率為3.3 ton ha-1 yr-1;2004至1989年為2.8 ton ha-1 yr-1;1989至1974年為2.0 ton ha-1 yr-1;1974至1963為0.02 ton ha-1 yr-1。


This study investigated the landslide of different years of soil carbon storages in southern Taiwan.Collection five soil pedons and litter of different years landslide. The results indicate, the soil carbon storages is lowest in landslide of 2009 year, because soil depth less than 30 cm, the results indicate 0.3 kg C 30cm-1 m-2 and carbon pool is highest in landslide scar of 1963 year, 3.4 kg C 30cm-1 m-2,5.2 kg C 50cm-1 m-2 and 12.2 kg C m-1 m-2. The carbon pool of 1974 and 1989 years are secondly. The carbon pool of litter, these data that the accumulating SOC contributed from different litter. The carbon pool is also negatively related to soil pH value of landslide scar soil (P<0.0001). About 20% of carbon pool was stored in upper 30cm, about 30% of carbon pool was stored in upper 50cm and 50% of carbon pool was stored in upper 50cm to one meter. The results, the soil carbon of landslide scars in 1974 and 1963 years than unperturbed, the soil carbon of landslide scar in 1989 year less than unperturbed. Apart from time, other environmental factors also have a effect on the accumulation of soil carbon accumulation and distribution. The stands of this still represent soil ecosystem and maybe other environmental factors change soil carbon accumulation and distribution. Effects of major factors that control the formation of soils on soil depth, bulk density and stone percentage result in a large spatial variability of soil carbon storage.


landslide soil organic carbon litter reservoir




