  • 學位論文


Studies on Fruit Development and Quality between Varieies in Wax Apple(Syzygium samarangense Merr. & Perry)

指導教授 : 顏昌瑞


本試驗主要研究‘南洋粉紅種(Pink)’及‘泰國紅寶石蓮霧(Ruby)’果實之生育期間對果實品質之影響,並研究不同時期蓮霧品種對生育期間之果實品質及不同套袋材質對蓮霧果實品質之影響。由調查結果顯示兩品系(間)蓮霧於生長發育期間,果長、果寬、鮮重均隨著生育日數的增加而增加,整個生長趨勢呈單S型的生長曲線。由果形指數觀察,‘南洋種’的果形較接近圓扁型,大約介於0.9∼1.0之間﹔‘泰國種’則較接近長卵型,大約介於1.4∼1.5之間。兩品系(間)蓮霧的總可溶性固形物含量於盛花後35天後隨生育日數而逐漸上升,至採收期為止,總可溶性固形物含量為10°Brix。硬度在發育後期有下降的情形。果實外觀的顏色由黃綠色漸漸轉紅,果實內部的花青素含量隨發育過程逐漸上升,葉綠素含量在發育初期較高,之後下降。 不同時期蓮霧品種之果實品質比較調查顯示,不同時期‘南洋種’與‘泰國種’果長、果寬、鮮重均差異性不大。總可溶性固形物含量隨著果實的發育增加,至採收時平均達到10°Brix。硬度之變化所示,兩時期蓮霧果實硬度隨著果實快速生長,呈現緩慢下降的趨勢。可滴定酸含量之變化方面,兩時期的蓮霧隨著生育日數增加而急遽下降﹔相對於糖酸比也伴隨生育日數增加而呈現上升趨勢情形。兩時期蓮霧果實生育期間果皮外觀色澤由黃綠色漸漸轉紅,而果實的花青素含量隨發育過程逐漸上升,葉綠素含量在發育初期較高之後下降,維持約一定的量。 利用網白色紙袋、白色紙袋、不織布袋、黃色紙袋、藍色紙袋5種袋於2月上旬進行蓮霧套袋處理,探討套袋對蓮霧果實轉色與品質之影響。調查結果顯示出,各種套袋處理對果長、果寬、鮮重、總可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、糖酸比、果皮色澤等差異不顯著。 關鍵詞:蓮霧、果實生育、果實品質、套袋


蓮霧 果實生育 果實品質 套袋


The effects of various seasons and bagging on fruit quality between ‘Pink’ and ‘Ruby’ cultivars were studied in wax apple (Syzygium sama-rangense Merr. & Perry). The results showed that the fruit grown of ‘Pink’ and ‘Ruby’ wax apple appeared single sigmoid curves in terms of fruit length, width, or fruit fresh weight. Fruits of ‘Pink’ and ‘Ruby’ wax apple had short bell shape and long bell shape respectively. The soluble solids content of both varieties start to increase gradually 35 days after full bloom and reached 10 °Brix at harvest. The firmness of fruits decreased toward later stage of fruit development. Fruit color turned red gradually as the anthocyanin content increased. The chlorophyll increased during early fruit development and then decreased and maintained a constant level until harvest. The effects of fruit growth and fruit quality at different harvest seasons were compared. The results showed that fruit length, fruit width, fresh weight were not significant. The total soluble solids content increased with the development of the fruit, and reach 10 °Brix at harvest. The fruit firmness was gradually downward until fruit mature. The titratable acid of ‘Pink’ and ‘Ruby’ were decreased rapidly. Comparatively, TSS/TA ratio was increased rapidly and higher significantly. Generally, fruit color turned from yellow green to red gradually. Anthocyanin content increased gradually during development process. Chlorophyll was higher at beginning and dropped to a certain amount until mature. Bagging treatment was conducted to evaluate the effect on the growth and quality of ‘Pink’ wax apple fruit. White paper net, white paper, blue paper, yellow paper, and non-woven bag were applied in February 2014. The results revealed that fruit quality among the treatments were not significantly different in terms of fruit weight, size, total soluble solids, titratable acid and TSS/TA ratio. Key words : Wax apple, fruit growth, fruit quality, bagging


Wax apple fruit growth fruit growth bagging


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