  • 學位論文


Participation Motivation, Alliance Performance, and Cooperation Intention of Managers of Recreation Farms for Travel Package — A Case Study of Taiwan Farm Papago Package

指導教授 : 張文宜


為促進台灣休閒農業發展,行政院農業委員會自2003年起推動以農場住宿、餐飲、體驗活動為特色之台灣農場趴趴走套票,本研究以參與台灣農場趴趴走的休閒農場經營者為研究對象,並透過問卷抽樣調查方式,探討動機、聯盟績效、合作意願及其相互之間的影響性。透過問卷調查方式,共計回收回54份有效問卷,並利用SPSS 22.0統計分析軟體進行信效度分析、敘述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析等,最後以迴歸分析來探討三構面間之影響關係。 研究結果顯示,參與台灣農場趴趴走旅遊套票之動機以增加宣傳廣道為最高,在聯盟績效部分以宣傳機會為最高,最後在合作意願方面以對套票忠誠度為最高。另外,經營者參與台灣農場趴趴走套票的動機、聯盟績效及合作意願三者間,僅有聯盟績效對合作意願有正相關及直接影響關係。最後,本研究依結果進一步提出可能的管理意涵,並提出具體可行之建議供主辦單位作為經營管理之參考。


Since 2003, Taiwan Council of Agriculture has been promoting Taiwan Farm Papago Package which combined farm accommodation, food and experiencing activities. This study investigated the motivation, alliance performance, and cooperation intention of leisure farms that involved in this travel package program. Using a questionnaire survey, 54 valid questionnaires were retrieved. This study also used SPSS statistical software to analyzed data with reliability and validity analysis, descriptive statistics, Student’s t-test, and ANOVA. Then, a regression analysis was performed to explore the relationship among the three variables. The result showed increasing the advertising chance was the main motivation from farms to engage in Taiwan Farm Papago Package. The best alliance performance was advertising chance. As for cooperation intention, the farms showed high loyalty to the travel package program. In addition, there was influence of the alliance performance on the cooperation intention. Finally, this study discussed managerial implications based on the finding and propode some suggestion for Taiwan Leisure Farms Development Association.


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