  • 學位論文


The Study of Region Brand Awareness, Brand Image and Perceived Value to Customers' Satisfaction – A Case on Hsin-Hsiang Rice of Sinwu District Farmers' Association

指導教授 : 鄭秋桂


農委會2003年辦理地方特產伴手計畫,農會組織已將農特產品連結到產業文化活動、景觀等特色來共同行銷。而結合地理標示和產地、文化特性形成地區品牌,並推動地產地消、建立在地特色產業及品牌安全形象,以區隔進口農產品與食安疑慮。本研究探討地區農會農產品牌伴手禮對消費者的影響,包括地區品牌知名度、品牌形象與知覺價值所影響滿意的程度;以問卷調查法來瞭解受訪者認知,並使用SPSS 19.0進行敘述統計、獨立t檢定、ANOVA、相關與路徑分析做資料之分析。 分析結果發現,地區農產品的銷售受中年家庭型與勞動力密集所影響,如消費群傾向中年人口、已婚、高教、勞力密集型產業且收入在35,000元以下。顧客認知在各構面皆存在顯著差異,整體認同程度來看,已婚者都顯著高於未婚者,男性以及高額收入者較重視產品所帶來的自我情感、社會認同,並且農業工作者與家管也都認同地區品牌帶給他們的價值感受,中等教育(或以下)程度及低收入情況的顧客,在各構面裡有明顯較高的感受度。此外,當地區品牌知名度提高後,直接並間接帶動顧客的品牌形象與知覺價值,最後將正面影響滿意程度的變動。最後,本研究提出兩項策略之建議,可著重於加強行銷推廣與推動地區資源品牌化。


From 2003, the Council of Agriculture to handle local specialty Souvenir Program, farmers' association and agricultural products have been linked to the industrial and cultural activities, landscape and other characteristics common to marketing. The combination of geographical indications and origin, cultural identity formation of regional brands, and promote local consumption, special industries and to establish the brand image of security to agricultural imports and food security segment concerns. This study investigated the effect of regional farmers' association agricultural produce brand souvenir to consumers, including the affected region brand awareness, brand image and perceived value of the degree of satisfaction. Way of questionnaires survey to understand the perception of respondents, and using the SPSS 19.0 statistics to described, independent t-test, ANOVA, correlation and path analysis of the data analysis. The results found that the sales of regional agricultural products by the middle-aged, home-based and labor-intensive affected, such as consumer groups tend to the middle-aged population, married, higher education, labor-intensive industries, and 35,000 in income or less. Customer perception exists significant differences in all factors, the overall level of perception, the married are significant higher than the unmarried, men and high-income earners more emphasis on products brought emotional self, social identity. Moreover, agricultural workers and homemaker also agree to bring their value reception by region brand. Secondary education (or below) level and low income customers in each factors has a significantly higher degree of perception. In addition, when the region brand awareness increase, will directly and indirectly drive the customers brand image and perceived value, and finally the positive effects of changes in level of satisfaction. Finally, this study proposes two strategy of recommendation, it is focused on strengthening the popularize and marketing, promote of branding regional resources.


