  • 學位論文


Purification by biological filter bed and activated carbon for biogas from the piggery wastewater

指導教授 : 余伍洲


臺灣2014年豬隻約為554萬頭(農委會,2014),其中屏東縣為主要養豬的區域之一,養豬廢水中富含豐富的有機物質,經厭氧醱酵後將產生沼氣,沼氣中主要成分為甲烷及二氧化碳,直接排放將造成溫室效應。另外,沼氣中含硫化氫,而硫化氫是一種無色但具有腐敗雞蛋的臭味且毒性強烈的氣體,它不但會刺激眼睛且會傷害人體的中樞神經,也會跟金屬物質結合造成鏽蝕(Nghiem et al., 2014),使得在沼氣發電因而受阻。 本研究是以生物濾床系統結合活性碳過濾沼氣中高濃度硫化氫,並改善原有生物濾床系統模式,分析改善結果,再以活性碳純化試驗,提高沼氣中甲烷濃度。 沼氣中硫化氫經由生物濾床系統脫硫後,及可降至400ppm以下,藉由改造生物濾床系統之淋洗設置,並新增一座生物濾床系統串聯之,再搭配淋洗時間調控,成功的將原有沼氣中硫化氫濃度降至10ppm以內且較原系統穩定;以活性碳純化沼氣,甲烷濃度最高可達90%以上,甲烷濃度平均提升約15%,其中又以椰殼活性碳純化量較佳,每100克椰殼活性碳,約可以純化出6.2升80%的甲烷。


沼氣 純化 活性碳 生物濾床


2014 was about 5.54 million pigs in Taiwan(C.O.A,2014), Pingtung is one of the major areas of pig. The piggery wastewater is rich in organic materials can be fermented to produce biogas.The biogas is consists mainly of methane and carbon dioxide, the direct release will cause the greenhouse effect. Biogas also contains hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide as a colorless toxic gas and has a strong corruption eggs smell, it will not only irritate the eyes and can harm the body's central nervous system, can also cause corroded in combination with metals, so that the development of biogas generation slowly. This study is removed high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in biogas purified by biological filter and activated carbon, and to improve the biological filter, and then purified by activated carbon ,raise the concentration of methane in the biogas. By the biological filter, hydrogen sulfide concentration can be reduced to less than 400ppm, with the transformation of biological filter rinse setting, and create a new biological filter string together, and then adjust rinse time, hydrogen sulfide concentration can be reduced to less than 10ppm. Biogas purified by activated carbon, methane concentrations up to more than 90%, average increase of about 15%. In which the preferred adsorption capacity is coconut shell activated carbon, every 100 grams coconut shell activated carbon can purified about 6.2 liters of 80% methane.


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