  • 學位論文


Application of Bluetooth on Irrigation Control for Crop in Greenhouse

指導教授 : 謝清祿 洪辰雄




Water is a precious resource on earth. Irrigation contributes the major portion of water usage in agriculture whose water usage will be limited during water shortage of first phase. Irrigation automation can save labor and water as well as to upgrade the crop growth. This study applied Bluetooth control in greenhouse for irrigation which can save the cost of wire connection and avoid the work of wire connection. The automatic irrigation system monitors the microclimate in greenhouse, such as, temperature of air, humidity, radiation, leaf temperature, soil temperature, soil moisture content, and EC of soil. All these microclimate data can be stored in computer hard disk which can be displayed in figure plot. Four strategies of irrigation named time control, soil moisture control, CWSI (crop water stress index) control, and combination control, were compared in crop growth experiment along with the usage of water and electricity. The developed system has been tested on its wireless communication for 14 days. The result proved each minute data were recorded by having data amount to 20,160. In crop growth test, result showed that combination control strategy saved 90% water and electricity when compared to that of time control strategy. And when compared to soil moisture control and CWSI control, it saved 42% and 19%, respectively.


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