  • 學位論文


Vegetation Ecology along Shengleng Trail in Mt. Xue

指導教授 : 王志強


聖稜線為連接雪山主峰至大霸尖山與品田山、喀拉業山之稜脈,海拔皆位於3,100 m以上,此連續性的稜脈顯現出臺灣高山環境特性與高山植物組成的特殊性。本研究於雪霸家公園聖稜線之登山步道,分別調查了34個250 m2的喬木植物社會樣區、37個100 m2灌叢植物社會樣區及及47個4 m2草本植物社會樣區,並評估8項環境變數。共紀錄到44科94屬126種維管束植物。包含蕨類植物14種,裸子植物6種,被子植物106種。其中物種科別最多前五科分別為菊科 (16種)、薔薇科 (11種)、禾本科 (8種)、杜鵑花科 (6種)、龍膽科 (6種)。特有種有68屬共84種,特有率為67%。透過雙向矩陣群團歸群分析及降趨對應分析將喬木植物社會劃分為3型,分別為 I.玉山圓柏型、II.臺灣冷杉型及III.臺灣鐵杉型;灌叢植物社會劃分為3型2亞型,分別為I.玉山圓柏-玉山小蘗型、II.玉山杜鵑-玉山圓柏型、III1刺柏-玉山杜鵑亞型及III2刺柏-臺灣馬醉木亞型;草本植物社會劃分為10型,分別為I.臺灣地楊梅-曲芒髮草型、II.虎杖-高山蓼型、III.髮草-曲芒髮草型、IV.羊茅型、V.玉山金絲桃-玉山針藺型、VI.玉山佛甲草-玉山薄雪草型、VII.南湖柳葉菜型、VIII.玉山針藺-玉山箭竹型、IX.玉山箭竹-高山芒型及X.高山芒-臺灣地楊梅型。利用主成分分析及典型對應分析得出,喬木植物社會主要影響因子為海拔及坡向,灌叢植物社會為海拔及坡度,草本植物社會主要影響為海拔、坡度、全天光空域、直射光空域及土壤pH值,坡向及地形位置則不明顯,徑級結構則多屬反J型,為小苗更新良好。


Shengleng Trail is the primary ridge that shares the peak of Mt. Xue, Mt. Dabajian, and Mt. Kalahei, three of which are located above 3,100 m in altitude. This consecutive ridge reveals the uniqueness featured the surroundings of high mountains and alpine vegetation in Taiwan. Samples of the study were the societal plantation plot along the path of Shengleng Trail, ranging from the trees plot (34), the shrubs (37), and the grasslands (47), with a total of 8 environmental variables evaluated. The results revealed that 44 families, 94 genera and 126 species of vascular plants were recorded. It contains ferns (14), gymnosperms (6) and angiosperms (106). Divisions among species, the top five families were Asteraceae (16), Rosaceae (11), Gramineae (8), Ericaceae (6) and gentian (6). The endemic are 68 genera, 84 species endemic rate is 67%. Two-way cluster analysis and detrended corres and the pondence analysis were used in this study, classifying the trees plant society into three types (Juniperus morrisonicola forest type, Abies kawakamii type, and Tsuga chinensis var. formosana type); the shrub into three types (Juniperus morrisonicola - Berberis morrisonensis type, Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum – Juniperus morrisonicola type, and Juniperus formosana type) and two hypotypes (Juniperus formosana - Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum subtype and Juniperus formosana - Pieris taiwanensis subtype); the grasslands society into ten types (Luzula taiwaniana - Deschampsia flexuosa type, Polygonum cuspidatum - Polygonum filicaule type, Deschampsia cespitosa var. festucaefolia - Deschampsia flexuosa type, Festuca ovin type, Hypericum nagasawai -Trichophorum subcapitatum type, Sedum morrisonense - Leontopodium microphyllum type, Epilobium nankotaizanens type, Trichophorum subcapitatum - Yushania niitakayamensis type, Yushania niitakayamensis -Miscanthus transmorrisonensis type, Miscanthus transmorrisonensis - Luzula taiwaniana type).After Principal Components Analysis and Canonical Correspondence Analysis, theresulfs showed that primary factors that influenced trees, shrubs, and grasslands are altitude and aspect, altitude and slope, and altitude, slope, WLS, DLS, and soil pH respectively. Aspect and topographic position are insignificant in grasslands of which diameter structure are reverse-J-shaped, exerting a better effect on refreshing seedlings.


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