  • 學位論文


Spectroscopic Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter during the Piggery Wastewater Treatment Processes

指導教授 : 陳庭堅


溶解性有機質(DOM)為存在於水中的主要有機物質,為結構複雜的複合物,其中含有大量的有機碳(DOC),因此DOC濃度為普遍偵測DOM含量的指標。DOM促進水中微生物生長的特性,而可能導致水質的污染,為維持良好的水質,需要先了解DOM的特性。本研究分析位於臺灣麟洛的中央養豬場進流(IN)、調勻(EQ)、厭氧(AN)、曝氣(AE)、放流(EF)等廢水處理程序之水樣,分離可溶性有機原液(< 0.45 μm)及大分子量溶液(1 kDa-0.45 μm)、小分子量溶液(< 1 kDa),以紫外線/可見光分光光度計測量各樣本吸光值,以及螢光光譜儀檢測螢光激發/放射矩陣光譜(EEM)觀察各樣本之螢光光譜特徵,進而探討不同廢水處理程序中DOM的光學特性。研究結果顯示進流至放流之原液DOC濃度由940.0(±559.8) mg/L降低為61.1(±24.0) mg/L,表示養豬場廢水處理程序顯著降解廢水DOM。大分子量DOC分率由24.4(±6.8) %增加至52.1(±8.4) %,表示部大分子量物質在較不易降解而滯留其中。進流至放流之原液SUVA254由0.99(±0.34) L/mg-OC/m增加至3.04(±1.62) L/mg-OC/m,表示芳香族的物質在處理程序增加。進流至曝氣之原液SR由0.32增加至0.50,顯示DOM生物處理程序促使分子量隨程序變小。三維激發光光譜結果顯示PLF、FLF、HLF百分比分別由71.3 %、21.0 %、3.8 % 轉變為43.1 %、43.8 %、13.1 %,表示其生物處理程序減低DOM蛋白質類物質含量,同時卻增加黃酸類及腐植類物質的含量。DOM波峰位置隨廢水處理程演進發生紅位移,另外大分子量DOM對照小分子量DOM波峰也有紅位移現象,表示腐植化程度隨著廢水處理程序變大,又大分子量DOM較小分子量DOM的腐植化程度大。DOM原液螢光區域I及區域II(蛋白質類物質)積分率別由32.0(±5.7) %及28.3(±1.9) %下降至8.1(±1.0) %及20.8(±0.8) %,同時區域III(黃酸類物質)分率由18.0(±3.2) %增加至35.0(±1.1) %,說明其簡單芳香性蛋白質的比例下降,而黃酸物質及腐植酸類物質比例增加。


Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is the major form of nature organic matter in aquatic ecosystems; it is a complex compound. The DOM contains a great amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), thus the DOC is commonly surrogate of DOM. Water quality may be affect by DOM, because it promotes bacteria growth in water. In order for good water quality to continue, it is necessary to characterize the DOM. In this study, filtered samples (bulk, < 0.45 µm) from the Central Piggery in Linlo, Taiwan, which had been through the treatment processes of influent (IN), equalization tank (EQ), anaerobic digestion (AN), aeration (AE), and effluent (EF), were separated into two molecular weight (MW) sizes. The high MW DOM (HMWDOM) was collected from the retention pond (1 kDa - 0.45 µm) and low MW DOM (LMWDOM) was collected from the permeation pond (< 1 kDa). Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy was used to measure for the UV absorbance of the DOM, and fluorescence spectroscopy was employed to observe the DOM fluorescence character by checking on the excitation-emission matrix (EEM). The bulk DOC concentration dropped from 940.0(±559.8) mg/L to 61.1(±24.0) mg/L, which indicated that the DOM was degraded during the processes. And the DOC ratio of HMWDOM increased from 24.4(±6.8) % to 52.1(±8.4) %, which indicated that parts of LMDOM had transformed into HMWDOM. The bulk SUVA254 increased from 0.99(±0.34) L/mg-OC/m to 3.04(±1.62) L/mg-OC/m, suggesting that non-aromatic carbon components were selectively removed and aromatic fractions remained during the processes. The bulk SR increased from 0.32 to 0.50 through IN to AE, which indicated that the DOM molecular weight decreased during the biological wastewater treatment. The ratio of PLF/FLF/HLF (protein, fulvic-, and humic-like substances, respectively) changed from 71.3 %, 21.0 %, 3.8% to 43.1 %, 43.8 %, and 13.1 %, suggesting that the protein-like fluorescence was reduced and the fulvic- and humic-like fluorescence was enhanced during the processes. There were red shifts during the processes, which explain that the humification level had increased during the processes. Also there was a red shift at the HMWDOM compare to the LMWDOM, which explains that HMWDOM had a higher humification level compared to the LMWDOM. The fluorescence integration of region I and region II (protein like substances) respectively, decreased from 32.0(±5.7) % to 8.1(±1.0) % and from 28.3(±1.9) % to 20.8(±0.8) %, while region III (fulvic-like substances) increased from 18.0(±3.2) % to 35.0(±1.1) %, which explains that during the processes, the ratio of simple aromatic proteins had decreased, at the same time as fulvic acid-like materials increased.


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