  • 學位論文


The Yield Model and Wood Utilization of Taiwan Red Cypress Plantations

指導教授 : 陳建璋 黃俊傑


檜木通常泛指紅檜(Chamaecyparis formosensis)與臺灣扁柏(Chamaecyparis obtusa),為臺灣中高海拔常見之針葉樹種,其材質優良,且其經濟價值極高,廣泛造林於中高海拔山區;臺灣自1989年全面禁伐天然林後,人工林之主伐作業亦隨之停擺。由於過去大面積的造林,許多檜木人工林已達中後期撫育之階段,因此訂定一明確之伐採及造林計畫乃有其必要。目前全臺檜木人工林之林分共有946處,合計總面積為24,757 ha,齡級分佈6-81年生。以林務局規定之林木經營區海拔低於2,500 m及坡度小於35°為條件,共篩選出11,074 ha之檜木人工林林分符合伐採作業之條件。以面積平分法對全臺國有檜木人工林進行收穫規整規劃,全臺可供作業之國有檜木造林地面積共為11,074 ha,輪伐期為80年,每一輪伐期可區分為8個分期,根據計算之結果,如欲使全臺檜木人工林達法正齡級排列,則分期收穫面積需為1,384 ha,年伐面積為138.4 ha。由於60年生以下之林分面積均無法達法正齡級之分配,61-70年生之林分面積為最多,故該林分屆成熟林齡時,僅伐採法正齡級分配所需之面積,其餘之林分轉作預備林使用,彌補其他林分為達法正齡級之不足,引導全台檜木人工林達法正狀態。若以第三次森林資源調查所計算之檜木單位面積蓄積量60.42 m3推算之年伐材積為8,363.1 m3,則可將臺灣木材自給率提升至0.61%,未來可將臺灣其他常見之針闊葉造林樹種施以相同之規劃,振興臺灣林業之發展,並達成永續收穫與利用之目標,提升臺灣木材之自給率。最後,本研究所使用之40年生紅檜疏伐木經計算後每m3成本為16,640.2 NTD;並以該紅檜疏伐木進行進行辦公桌、滑鼠墊及擴音手機座及各式木製品之設計與製造,透過此一方式,可使疏伐木產生51.1%(辦公桌)、52.7%(滑鼠墊)及58.2%(擴音手機座)之附加價值,未來臺灣執行主伐作業時,亦可參考此一模式進行木材之加工利用。對於臺灣林產物之產銷,可配合近年崛起之手作工坊及文創商品,進行後續之產銷規劃,放寬對於林產物標售之要求,鼓勵國內中小型木工坊或國人使用國產木材進行加工創作,帶動臺灣林業之發展,並完成造林、撫育、伐採、製材、加工及銷售之產業鏈建構。


檜木 收穫規整 疏伐木利用


Cypress are included Chamaecyparis formosensis and Chamaecyparis obtuse, which are proper material in middle-high elevation area in Taiwan. Since 1989, the government was prohibited to manage forest, which include nature forest and the artificial forest was also stop to cut. A lot of afforestation places in early stage need to be thinning or cutting. Therefore, to arrange a plan of forest cutting and reforestation is important and necessary. There is 24,757.74 ha of Cypress artificial forest in Taiwan and the tree ages are between 6-81 years. By the rule of timber management area from Forest Bureau, the height above sea level should be lower than 2,500 m and under 35˚ of slope, using these terrain factors to select the place, which is suitable for cutting and reforestation. Through the method of area allotment to whole artificial forest of Cypress in Taiwan, the result showed there are 11,074 ha suitable area to carry out the operations of cutting and reforestation in Taiwan. According to the result of regulation, it has to cut 1,384 ha every 10 years to let the Cypress stand into the normal distribution of normal age class. However, the age classes are not distributed regularly, 61-70 years is the majority. In order to implement normal distribution of age class, a part of strands from 61-70 years need to be reserve forest. The stock in area of Cypress of third national forest inventories data is 60.42 m3/ha, also annual harvest volume is 8,363.1 m3. As a result, the timber self-sufficiency rate could increase from 0.45% to 0.61%. Through the regulation of other common species, reforestation could promote forestry and achieve the goal of sustainable in Taiwan in the future. Finally, we assessed the cost of thinning wood is 16,640.2 NTD/m3 and used it to design and manufacture the products. By this method, we could increase the additional value to 51.1% (desk), 52.7% (mouse pad) and 58.2% (cell phone holder and speaker), much higher than selling timber. For the forestry production and marketing in Taiwan, we combine manual woodwork and culture creative goods into a possible way to increase the value of timber. In this research, we recommend to release the regulations governing disposition of forest products of state-owned forests and encourage the industry and people to using domestic timber at the same time. We hope to improve the production chain of forestry in future of Taiwan.


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