  • 學位論文


Image of Geographical Origin for Rice: A Comparison between Chishang Rice and Xiluo Rice

指導教授 : 黃文琪


稻米是臺灣民眾的主食,也是重要的文化資產,因此大眾對於知名的稻米產區並不陌生。產地環境特性不同,而稻米生產階段受到環境差異影響品質。其中有兩個知名產區中,臺東縣池上鄉與雲林縣西螺鎮兩個分處臺灣東西岸之鄉鎮公所已分別依商標法的規範依法取得發行當地的稻米產地標章證明之資格。本研究意圖瞭解大眾對此兩地稻米之原產地意象並比較其差異。接本研究首先探討兩稻米產區之環境特性如自然環境、產業環境、田園景觀、汙染問題、人口密度等,並設計問卷進行民眾的意見調查。 本研究結果發現,實質之環境兩地除人口密度、地理位置與地勢、年均溫等不同之外,由問卷調查結果分析得知,兩地之意象具有顯著性差異,且池上米原產地意象高於西螺米,其最大之差異缺口為環境污染認同度及稻田景觀感受。因此建議地方單位塑造原產地意象時,應結合當地特有的人文及環境特色,並規劃一系列的農村慢遊景點等活動,引發遊客前往探訪之意願。此外,應加強當地推廣產地證明標章單位的資訊平臺管理,除提供便捷的查詢管道,亦可在網路頁面中加入更多相關圖象或訊息,以符合產地證明標章規範書的環境特色等內容。


Rice is the single most consumed agricultural product and is part of the cultural heritage in Taiwan. There were several generally acknowledged production areas where two of the township governments have been granted by the concerned authority to issue the geographical origin certification, local version of geographical indicator, as conformable to the trademark act. The study selected the two townships to compare their performances in terms of the general perception from the public about the image of their geographical origin for rice. The study stared with desk work and interviews of related agencies to investigate the environmental characteristics as well as geographical characteristics prescribed in their granted certification applications. A survey questionnaire was designed to understand the differences in the image of the two rice production region. The study found that there were significant differences in the image where the Chishang Township had a high score on the general image. The biggest differences were on the perception of environmental pollution and the country-side image of the paddy field. It was recommended that the local authority should try to build up local image by combing the cultural and environmental characteristics and create a sequel of agro-tourism activities for the public to be able to enjoy the slow-life of the rural area and to break the false image about the location. It was also recommended that the township government should improve their website information about their local certifies rice for easier access of information.


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