  • 學位論文


Energy Expenditure Analysis for Media Scenario on Indoor Cycling

指導教授 : 劉寧漢


現今社會,運動意識已深植生活中,健康是每人重要的課題,但礙於忙碌與環境因素,常使人們無法如期運動,更會因為倦怠與乏味,影響運動品質與持續性。以居家健身車為例,常因無聊疲乏,或動作錯誤,導致無法達到有效運動與維持其持續性。 本論文針對此問題進行研究,導入影音情境於居家健身車運動,分析在不同的影音情境搭配中,何者能更有效的提升運動效果與持續性,並收集受測者運動資訊,進行比較與驗證。 實驗數據結果顯示,在搭配隨選影視的情境中,能有效提高持續性,但未必能達有效運動;然而在有音樂律動與教練指示的情境中,較能達到有效運動,其中若音樂符合受測者偏好,則效果更佳。


Nowadays, exercise is life. Everyone need to exercise to stay healthy. And then, because people are always busy at work, they forgot to exercise. Tired and boring impact the exercise quality. Such as indoor bike, bored tired, or erroneous actions cause people to give up. This thesis studies on this issue, import media scenario on indoor cycling. Analysis of different scenarios with the video, whichever is more effective to enhance athletic performance and sustainability. And then, collects the subject's motion information for comparison and verification. The result is found that “Video on Demand” can improve sustainability, but may not be able to Target Heart Rate. However, situations of “Music Listening” and “Spinning Course” can achieve an effective exercise. If the music in line with the subject's preferences, is better at fat burning.


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