  • 學位論文


The Effects of Fire-Retardant Coating on Strength of Concrete under High Temperature

指導教授 : 盧俊愷


學號:N9633018 論文題目:高溫下防火漆對混凝土強度之影響評估 頁數:49 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系(所)別:土木工程系 畢業年月:99年1月 學位別:碩士 研究生:葉明家 指導教授:盧俊愷 博士 論文摘要內容: 防火漆為普遍且易購買之防火塗料,大部分用於木造建築物、防火區劃之室內隔間及鋼骨結構等,較少用於混凝土之塗佈,混凝土雖為不燃材料,於高溫火害達閃燃時,也就是建築物最盛期燃燒,其結構也可能完全損毀,遇建築物內部有人員時,逃生更是一大問題,所以本試驗嘗試將防火漆塗佈於混凝土試體上,經高溫燃燒後,觀察是否會影響混凝土之抗壓強度,其抗壓強度是否比無塗佈防火漆試體高,期能於建築物火害時能為火場人員找出多一點逃生時間,並於火害後建築物安全有進一歩的了解。 本文考慮之火害溫度共計有室溫、攝氏400 度、500 度、600 度、700 度五種,經試驗結果顯示,各組試驗結果顯示塗佈防火漆混凝土試體與純混凝土試體其抗壓強度隨溫度升高而降低之程度有所不同。


防火漆 高溫 混凝土


Student ID: N9633018 Title: The Effects of Fire-Retardant Coating on Strength of Concrete under High Temperature Pages: 49 Name of Institute: National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Name of Department: Department of Civil Engineering Date of Graduation: January 2010 Degree Conferred: Master Name of student: Ming-Jia Yeh Adviser: Dr. Jun-Kai Lu Abstract content: Fire-Retardant Coatings are used wildly in wooden building, steel structures and interior partitions. It is hardly used in concrete structure. The concrete are very popular material for structure in Taiwan. The mechanical behaviors of concrete are changing with respected to the changing of temperature. Present paper investigates the effects of the Fire-Retardant Coating on strength of concrete under high temperature. Three different Fire-Retardant Coatings are investigated. Five different temperatures are discussed in present paper. There are room temperature, 400℃,500℃,600℃,700℃. It is shown that the strength of concrete specimen with Fire-Retardant Coating are high than the strength of concrete specimen without fire-retardant coating. Also, the strength of concrete specimen with different fire-retardant coating is different from each other.


21、Abrams,M. S, (1971) ”Compressive Strength of Concrete at Temperatures to 16000F” ,ACI Special Publication SP25。
22、Weiger H, Fisher R ,(1972), ” Influence of High Temperature on Strength and Deformation of Concrete” , ACI SP 34-36,Detroit, pp.481-493。
23、Zoldners, N.G.,(1971), ”Thermal Properties of Concrete Under Sustained Elevated Temperatures ”, Temperature And Concrete, Publication Sp25, pp. 1-31
