  • 學位論文


The Activity Pattern and Habitat Selection of Tawny Owl at Tataka

指導教授 : 孫元勳 博士


本研究在2008年3月至2009年8月進行調查塔塔加地區灰林鴞(Strix nivicola yamadae)的活動模式和棲地選擇的情形,研究方法主要利用無線電追蹤以及道路目擊調查法,其中無線電定位調查日期為2008年7月至2009年3月,以及2009年7月至8月,道路目擊資料調查日期為2009年3月至2009年8月。利用最小凸多邊形法得知,塔塔加地區道路邊緣灰林鴞個體平均活動範圍為155.14 ± 94.74 ha(n=5),活動範圍亦有季節上的變動,夏季時活動範圍最大,而春季時活動範圍最小(n=1)。在棲地選擇性方面,灰林鴞顯著選擇利用道路棲地,但對於天然林、人造林、裸露地以及溪流的選擇性並不一致。根據無線電定位以及道路目擊調查法結果顯示,月週期對灰林鴞在道路邊緣出現情況無顯著差異;而根據道路目擊調查法發現灰林鴞利用道路邊緣有月份上的顯著變化(F=8.499, p<0.001),在3月份時灰林鴞出現在道路邊緣頻度最低,而後隨著月份逐漸增加出現頻率;在夜間時段對於灰林鴞利用道路的影響方面,根據無線電定位資料顯示並無差異(K=5.528, p=0.63),但道路目擊資料則有顯著差異(K=7.343, p<0.05),在下半夜時灰林鴞目擊次數顯著較低;在道路邊緣棲枝的選擇性上,灰林鴞對於里程牌、方形交通牌誌、小型反光牌誌以及小型反光牌誌的利用高於預期,而樹枝的利用則有低於預期的情形。


This study investigated the activity pattern and habitat selection of tawny owls (Strix nivicola yamadae) at Tataka between March 2008 and August 2009. We conducted the study by radio telemetry and roadside count. The radio telemetry was conducted from July 2008 to March 2009 and July to August 2009, while the roadside survey was conducted from March 2009 to August 2009. The average home range size of tawny owls at Tataka was 155.14 ± 94.74 ha (n=5) by the Minimize Convex Polygon method, The home range of one bird radio-tracked for the entire year varied seasonally largest in summer and smallest in spring (n=1). With the respect of habitat selection, owls preferred to select the roadside habitat, but the selection for the habitats of mature forest, artificial forest, bared rocky area, and stream varied. The use of the roadside habitat by the owl was not remarkably affected by lunar cycle neither by radio telemetry nor by roadside survey data; but the roadside use had remarkably changed by month with roadside count(F=8.499, p<0.001).The species used roadside less often in March, and then increased its usage since then. Owls appeared at roadside without difference in terms of the time of night by radio telemetry(K=5.528, p=0.63), but not for road count, with lower occurrence after midnight(K=7.343, p<0.05). Owls preferred to perch on the road signs more frequently than expected, as compared with that on the tree branch.


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