  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 丁澈士


澎湖離島地區受自然條件限制,地下水開發有先天性之困難,長期而言主要以地面水庫為主,但各水庫地質條件不同,水庫仍然有滲漏問題,對於地下水資源也是另一種涵養含水層方式。本研究藉由探討水庫滲漏補注對於地下水含水層助益,瞭解其對於整個地下水成效。 本研究結果顯示,水庫蓄水量分析顯示,由2008年6月1日水庫庫容量達1.25萬立方公尺接近最低點,水位高程為20公尺,最高蓄水量為23.6萬立方公尺,水庫滿水位高度為23公尺,變化差異性為3公尺。將水位蓄水量進行回歸分析得到,其相關性達95%,由此關係獲得平均下降0.1m水位,水庫蓄水量減少0.4萬立方公尺。滲漏量於2008年10月為2.6萬立方公尺,2009月4月為最小為954立方公尺,初步結果顯示降雨量與水庫滲漏無直接關係,卻是水庫用水量與與滲漏量有明顯的關係。以民井抽水量為530立方公尺/日(含水層淺層),每月總用水量為15,900立方公尺為七美地區淺層用水量,以2008年6月至2009年2月,水庫滲漏量均達到15,900立方公尺/月(累積補注),可滿足淺層的抽水量。


Student ID No.: N9733011 Title of Thesis: A Study on of Reservoir Leakage for Groundwater Environmental influence —A Case Study at Chimi Reservoir Total Pages: 67 Name of Institute: National Pingtung University of Science & Technology Name of Department: Department of Civil Engineering Date of Graduation: June, 2010 Degree Conferred: Master Name of Student: Chen, Kuo-Chen Adviser: Dr. Ting Cheh-Shyh The Contents of Abstract in this Thesis: The groundwater exploration is difficult for island region of Taiwan; due to water development limited natural hydrogeoloical condition to groundwater. Main water supply for Chimi Island is from groundwater over a long period of time, until 2008 the reservoir beginning operates. Hence, many studies addressed a series problem to the reservoir that which leaks out. The proposal of study is to discuss reservoir leakages whether can conserve groundwater in aquifer. The results of reservoir storage indicated the maximum content is 23.6×104 m3 and the elevation of water table reached 23m approximate highest, the minimum content is 1.25×104 m3 and the elevation of water table go down 20m approximate lowest. The correlation of storage and water level reach 95% by regression, whenever the level decline 0.1m and storage decrease 0.4×104 m3 as well. The leakages have no manifest relation between rainfall and leakage quantities at rainy and dry season in the reservoir, except for use water. The pumping rate can be balanced off buy reservoir leakage in the shallow aquifer during Aug. 2008 to Jan. 2009, because of the leakage approximate 15,900m3/month. Key words: Chimi Reservoir, Reservior Leakage, Groundwater




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