  • 學位論文


Effects of inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen fertilization on live foods production at earlier stage of marine fish larviculture

指導教授 : 劉俊宏 張桂祥 呂明毅


論文摘要內容: 海水魚苗因缺乏初期合適的餌料而無法大量繁殖,本研究嘗試以控制營養鹽的方法來促進微細藻的生長,進而促進微細浮游動物的生長,提高魚苗活存率。本研究分為兩種處理,實驗組(Fertilized)為添加無機營養鹽(磷維持在 100 μg/l、氮維持在700 μg/l),控制組(Control)則不添加氮、磷鹽而只以投餵餌料生物。黃錫鯛 (Rhabdosargus sarba) 養殖試驗、赤鰭笛鯛(Lutjanus erythropterus)養殖實驗、鞍帶石斑魚(Epinephelus lanceolatus)養殖實驗和點帶石斑魚 (Epinephelus coioides )養殖實驗中浮游植物都是以矽藻為主 (角毛藻屬、舟型藻屬和菱形藻屬),數量介於105 ~ 106 cells/l。浮游動物方面,實驗組在初期 (1 ~ 10天) 產生1 - 50 μm的浮游動物,隨著1 - 50 μm之浮游動物的減少50 - 100 μm之浮游動物量也逐漸上升,數量介於8 ~ 65 ind/ml之間。本研究結果顯示保持水體中無機營養鹽濃度在100 μg/l (磷鹽)及700 μg/l (氮鹽),可以產生微細藻類 (< 20μm),進而提供小型浮游動物作為餌料(10 ~ 100 μm),以提供初期開口口徑較小魚種餌料生物,口徑較大的魚種則以一般養殖方式則較為合適。


The Contents of Abstract in This Thesis: Marine larval fish are difficult to culture due to the lack of suitable size of food during their early stages. In this study, we controlled the nutrients in the water to enhance the growth of small phytoplankton which in turn will enhance the growth of small zooplankton for larval fish. Inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus were maintained weekly at 700 μg/l and 100 μg/l, respectively, in the experimental group (fertilized), while no nutrient was added in the control group. Rotifers were added in control group but not in the experimental group. Diatoms were the dominant algal communities in both sets of treatment group during four experiments. The experimental group at the early stages (1 ~ 10 days) to enhance the growth of 1 - 50 μm zooplankton. When 1 - 50 μm zooplankton decreased, 50 - 100 μm increased gradually, with average density between 8 ~ 65 ind / ml. The study showed that maintain inorganic nutrients in seawater at N: 700 μg/l and P: 100 μg/l would produce smaller live feed which served as food for the piscilarvae having comparatively smaller mouth size. Larval fish having a larger mouth size is more suitable to be cultured using the traditional method.


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