  • 學位論文


The impact of Justice on Satisfaction, Word of Mouth,Trust and Revisting willingness of Tourists-A Case of Dakeng Leisure Farm

指導教授 : 鄭秋桂


本研究主要是探討休閒農場公平性如何透過滿意度影響信任、口碑及重遊意願,以台南縣大坑休閒農場的遊客為調查對象,共發放 450 份問卷,回收有效問卷 415 份, 經 SPSS 統計軟體進行 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Person 積差相關分析及路徑分析,實證結果發現如下: 人口統計變數分析顯示,以「女性」年齡在「20~29歲」為主,職業以「一般軍公教」為最多,教育程度方面以「大學(專)」為最多,居住地區以「南部地區」居多,每月可支配所得以「25,001~40,000元」之間為主,到訪次數以「首次參訪」佔大多數。 遊客對休閒農場之公平性、滿意度、信任、口碑與重遊意願有顯著差異,其中以性別、職業、年齡、教育程度及每月可支配所得等五項人口統計變數是為顯著差異的主要變數。年齡較高者對滿意度、信任、口碑及重遊意願有較高的認同程度;教育程度較低者對滿意度、信任、口碑及重遊意願有較高的認同程度但教育程度較高者對公平性則有較高之認同程度;每月可支配所得較高者對本研究五個構面都有較高的認同程度。 公平性、滿意度、信任、口碑與重遊意願間,皆具正向的顯著影響。滿意度透過信任影響口碑與信任直接影響重遊意願最為明顯,表示遊客良好的口碑與願意重遊之意願是來自於滿意度及信任的影響程度。因此,若要讓遊客有良好的口碑及願意再度重遊,應以思考如何提升滿意度及信任為經營目標。


公平性 滿意度 信任 口碑 重遊意願


The objective of this study was explored how Justice through satisfaction influence trust, word of Mouth and revisting willingness. A survey was conducted in the Dakeng Leisure Farm in Tainan County. A total of 415 valid questionnaires were obtained in a face to face interview to Dakeng visitors. The statistical analysis in this study includes t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and path analysis. All the analyses were run using the SPSS. The empirical results are described as follow. The demographic analysis, six groups were identified as the highest consumption group (1) females, age 20 to 29; (2) occupation, army and government officers; (3) education level, university degree; (4) residential area, south Taiwan; (5) monthly income, NT$25,000 to 40,000; (6) visit frequency, first visit. Leisure farm visitors’ justice, satisfaction, trust, word of mouth, revisiting willingness were all significant different. The significant demographic variables include gender, occupation, age, education level and monthly income. Age variable had the highest level of acceptance on satisfaction, trust, word of mouth and revisiting willingness. Low education level variable was high significant on satisfaction, trust, word of mouth and revisiting willingness. However, higher education level was high significant on justice. Monthly income was significant on the five dimensions used in this study. Justice, satisfaction, trust, word of mouth and revisiting willingness had equal positive significant effect. Satisfaction through trust directly impact word of mouth and this one on revisiting willingness. That is, good word of mouth and revisiting willingness will influence satisfaction and trust. Therefore, to allow tourists to have a good word of mouth and revisiting willingness, both satisfaction and trust should be enhanced through the business objectives.




蔡淑悅(2013)。實價登錄認知、稅收公平認知與購屋意願之 關聯性研究〔碩士論文,國立臺中科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0061-1006201315402000
