  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Goal Perspective and Psychological Well-Being among Recreational Badminton Players─A Transtheoretical Model Perspective

指導教授 : 馬上閔


本研究目的主要以跨理論模式探討休閒羽球運動者目標取向與心理康寧之相關情形及了解不同運動背景變項、目標取向與心理康寧是否可以有效預測不同羽球運動參與階段。本研究以台中市七個不同羽球館的球團、業餘羽球愛好者或大專乙組球員為研究對象,並利用問卷方式進行資料收集,共獲得有效樣本500份。所得資料以描述性統計、皮爾遜積差相關及多項式羅吉斯迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,重要結果歸納如下:一、休閒羽球運動者目標取向與心理康寧有顯著相關,其中工作取向與心理康寧有顯著正相關,自我取向與心理康寧有顯著負相關;二、多項式羅吉斯迴歸分析結果得知,以維持期為參照組的情況下,『性別』、『球齡』可以顯著預測意圖期羽球運動參與階段、『對羽球愛好程度』可以顯著預測意圖期及準備期羽球運動參與階段、『自己認為羽球的專業程度』可以顯著預測準備期羽球運動參與階段、『工作取向』可以顯著預測準備期羽球運動參與階段、『個人成長』、『生活目的』、『環境主導』可以顯著預測準備期羽球運動參與階段。 根據研究結果,針對休閒羽球運動者與球館經營團體機構提出實務應用上的建議,並提供未來研究者作為參與的建議。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between goal perspective and psychological well-being among recreational badminton players with the transtheoretical model (TTM) perspective. In particular, three independent variables as players’ exercise background, different goal perspective and different psychological well-being were applied to predict the categorical dependent variable as different exercise stages derived from TTM. The participants collected information through questionnaires were 500 recreational badminton players recruited from many badminton center and university in Taichung city. All information was analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, Pearson Correlation Cofficient and Multiple Logistic Regression, the important result of the research was as bellow: 1. There was a significant correlation between goal perspective and psychological well-being among recreational badminton players, but among them, there was a significant positive correlation between task orientation and psychological well-being, and there was a significant negative correlation between ego orientation and psychological well-being. 2. The results of the Multiple Logistic Regression were “Genger” and “average badminton participation age” which could preview obviously the sorting participation graduation in Contemplation in recreational badminton players; “an interest in playing badminton” could preview obviously the sorting participation graduation in Contemplation and Preparation in recreational badminton players; “the profession in individual opinion of badminton” could preview obviously the sorting participation graduation in Preparation in recreational badminton players; goal perspective of “task orientation” could preview obviously the sorting participation graduation in Contemplation in recreational badminton players; psychological well-being of “personal growth”, “purpose in life” and “environmental matery” could preview obviously the sorting participation graduation in Preparation in recreational badminton players. Based on the survey results, the study provides a number of suggestions for recreational badminton players, badminton arena of operating organizations, and further researches.


