  • 學位論文


A Study of Decision-Making and Satisfaction on Extra-Curriculum Teaching of Junior High School in Kaohsiung.

指導教授 : 巫昌陽


校外教學不但可以達成學校課程目標,並可以使學生瞭解休閒活動,達成休閒教育的目的。校外教學之決策行為應屬於為組織購買決策,此為理性決策行為,加上由消費者決策行為模式來看,消費者於產品消費後,會對於消費產品產生滿意度及其再購意願。理性決策程度愈高所做出之校外教學決策,應於決策者之校外教學滿意度有高度滿意度,本研究動機即為探討決策教師對於校外教學之決策行為及其滿意度加以研究。基於上述的研究動機,本研究擬達成之目的如下:(一)瞭解高雄市國中校外教學實施現況;(二)瞭解不同背景教職員在校外教學的決策行為是否有差異;(三)瞭解不同背景教職員在校外教學的滿意度是否有差異;(四)探討校外教學決策行為與校外教學滿意度之相關因素。統計方法使用SPSS for windows 12.0 統計套裝軟體,採用描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、信度分析及皮爾森積差相關進行統計資料分析。結果顯示在人口背景變項方面,「是否在學校任職」項目與校外教學決策行為有顯著差異;在「性別」、「班級人數」、「學校規模」項目與校外教學決策滿意度有顯著差異。校外教學決策行為與校外教學決策滿意度用皮爾森積差相關(Pearson)做相關分析,結果顯示,「方案選擇」、「方案評估」、「方案決策」皆會會影響校外教學決策後滿意度,無論是在「遊覽或接待」、「餐飲」、「交通」、「娛樂」及「住宿」方面,都會有所影響且校外教學決策理性程度與校外教學決策滿意度之間有高密切相關,在滿意度「遊覽或接待」、「餐飲」、「交通」、「娛樂」、「住宿」構面,皆有顯著相關,由此可知校外教學決策理性程度愈高者,於決策後體驗有愈高的滿意度,表示在經由仔細評估思考後的校外教學決策,能夠為決策後的校外教學體驗帶來較高的滿意度。故分別給予高雄市國民中學及承攬廠商以下建議,給高雄市國民中學建議方面:(一)由專家提供校外教學行程的評估及決策建議;(二)事前收集校外教學相關資料;(三)不受干擾的決策環境。給承攬廠商的建議:(一)加強人數控制及安排;(二)提供客製化行程安排。


校外教學 決策行為 滿意度


The extra-curriculum teaching not only can reach curriculum target in the school, but also make the student understand a recreational activity and reach the purpose of leisure education. According to consumer's decision behavior, customers will have satisfaction and repurchase intentions after buying products. The research motive of this study was explored decision-making of teachers on decision-making and satisfaction of the extra-curriculum teaching. The purpose of this study: (A) Understand the extra-curriculum teaching of status in Kaohsiung’s junior high schools. (B) Understand the diversity of teachers with different background and the decision-making of extra-curriculum teaching. (C) Understand the diversity of teachers with different background and the satisfaction of extra-curriculum teaching. (D) Understand the relationship between decision-making and satisfaction of extra-curriculum teaching. The approach of questionnaire survey was applied to this study. The focus group was the teachers of junior high schools in Kaohsiung. The results were analyzed and examined by descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson. Conclusions are: The teachers with different background mostly showed the obvious diversity of the decision-making of the extra-curriculum teaching. The teachers with different background mostly showed the obvious diversity of the satisfaction with the extra-curriculum teaching. The decision-making and satisfaction on extra-curriculum are conspicuous for the correlations. The decision of extra-curriculum teaching by consider, can bring higher satisfaction for the extra-curriculum teaching experience. The suggestions to Kaohsiung junior high school: (A) Give the decision suggestion of extra-curriculum teaching by experts. (B) Collects related data before the event. (C) Be free from the decision environment of interference. The suggestions to the manufacturer: (A) Be effective to control the number of participants. (B) Provide program customize。




