  • 學位論文


Distribution of Antibiotics from the Wastewater Treatment Plant of a Swine Farm

指導教授 : 葉桂君


抗生素用途相當廣,除可用於人類及畜禽疾病控制,亦可作為生長促進劑,因此在畜牧業使用相當頻繁。儘管抗生素有其正面功效,一旦經放流進入生態食物鏈循環後,進而對生物或人體產生高風險,因此不當使用已造成新興之環境污染隱憂。本研究建立有效分析方法,利用固相萃取法搭配液相層析串聯質譜儀 (liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, LC-MS-MS) 檢測環境樣品中磺胺類(SAs)如磺胺二甲氧嘧啶(sulfadimethoxine, SDM)、磺胺二甲嘧啶(sulfamethazine, SMT)、磺胺一甲氧嘧啶(sulfamonomethoxine, SMM)、磺胺甲基嘧啶(sulfamerazine, SMR)、磺胺對甲氧嘧啶(sulfameter, SME);四環類(TCs)包括羥四環黴素(oxytetracycline, OTC)、四環黴素(tetracycline, TC)、氯四環黴素(chlortetracycline, CTC)共八種抗生素類新興污染物。在養豬場個別污水處理單元均有檢出SAs及TCs,其濃度在0.08~397.51 μg/L。 本研究利用底泥及固體物吸脫附實驗探討抗生素吸脫附特性與生物分解性,以了解其在環境介質之流佈,藉此評估其在環境中之累積情形及對生態環境造成之危害。結果顯示養豬廢水處理場SS及底泥會造成SAs及TCs分析之基質干擾,且磺胺類及四環類抗生素在自然狀態下會光解及降解。磺胺類會吸附於養豬污水場固體與河川底泥中,亦有部份於7天後脫附至水相,吸附及脫附與底泥/固體物有機質特性相關。另外生物分解為磺胺類在底泥/固體物流佈之重要因素,磺胺類被生物分解之比例與其種類、濃度及底泥吸附性是否曾暴露於磺胺類中有關。


抗生素 LC-MS-MS 養豬場 吸附 生物降解


The use of antibiotics is worldwide. In addition to be used in human and animal disease control, they are used as growth promoters in animal husbandry. Sulfonamides (SAs) and tetracyclines (TCs) are two kinds of antibiotics applied in concentrated animal feeding operations. The antibiotics can be discharged into the environment along with the effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WTP) of pig farms and thus pose a high risk to ecological systems and human health. Eight antibiotics contaminants, sulfadimethoxine (SDM), sulfamethazine (SMT), sulfamonomethoxine (SMM), sulfamerazine (SMR), sulfameter (SME), oxytetracycline (OTC), tetracycline (TC), and chlortetracycline (CTC) were tested in this study. In this study, a reliable and sensitive analytical procedure for SAs and TCs has been developed, using a combination of solid-phase extraction with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS). It is found that the matrix in river sediments and solids in WTP units produced an interference for the LC-MS-MS analysis of SAs and TCs. The SAs and TCs were detected at every operation unit of the pig farm WTP at the average concentrations of 0.08~397.51 μgL-1. This study also evaluated the sorption-desorption and biodegradation of these antibiotic compounds in river sediments and suspended solids in the WTP. The SAs and TCs can be naturally photolyzed and degraded in water. The sulfonamides are adsorbed on WTP solids and river sediments in one day. A portion of the sorbed SAs is desorbed latter to the aqueous phase. The sorption-desorption behavior in sediments and WTP solids is associated with organic matter properties of the sediments and solids and the concentration of SAs. Biological decomposition is an important factor of sulfonamide distribution in the river sediment and WTP solid. The extent of biodegradation depends on the types and concentrations of SAs, and the adsorption/desorption and exposure of SAs in the sediment/WTP solids.


Antibiotics LC-MS-MS pig farms sorption biodegradation


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