  • 學位論文


Life Cycle Assessment and Material Flow Analysis of Taiwan Hydrogen Production

指導教授 : 黃國林


為因應石化能源日趨耗竭與相關環境問題,尋求潔淨及可再生能源成為各國極為重視的課題。氫氣為目前受提倡的主要潔淨能源之一,有長遠發展潛力,其在替代性能源的規劃與研究議題上,受到關注。本研究以台灣自產氫氣為例,在能源、環境及經濟(3E)面向進行生命週期與物質流評估分析,以作為國內研究發展氫能源相關議題的參考。 生命週期盤查及物質流分析結果顯示,在現階段的製程背景下,每公斤氫氣生產成本約為51.98元;在化石能源(石油腦)投入部分,以1公升石油腦生產每公斤氫氣所須需熱值為7.8×103 kcal,而每公升氫氣所含熱值為4.056×105 kcal,大於投入熱值甚多。在二氧化碳排放部分,1公升石油腦生產氫氣過程所排放的二氧化碳為3,595 kg,而以1公升石油腦生產汽油,其二氧化碳排放量較低(2,382 kg),無助於減緩二氧化碳的排放。 當以假設之情境進行分析,以現行石化製程生產氫氣供應我國移動載具使用的產率甚低。若以現行化石能源的最大轉換效率計算,也僅能達到市場需求的0.02%。以傳統車輛為例,必須投入680.52億公秉化石能源才能平衡市場供需。再者,目前台灣氫氣生產技術仍以單一製程為主,各項周邊設施並不完備,尚須慮及運輸和儲存、民眾接受度及法規制定等問題,故以氫氣替代傳統化石燃料之替代程度,須在3E面向上,做整體考量。


In response to increasing depletion of fossil energy and related environmental issues, the demand for clean and renewable energy becomes a very important global issue. With great potential long-term development, hydrogen is currently advocated by one of the major clean energies that are concerned for alternative energy planning and research. This study, based on energy, environment, and economy (3E) aspects, focuses on the life-cycle assessment and material flow analysis of Taiwan hydrogen production, which may provide information useful for the research and planning of Taiwan hydrogen energy development. According to life cycle inventory and material flow analyses, the production cost per kilogram of hydrogen is about 51.98 new Taiwan dollars (TWD). The heat value input of using one liter naphtha (fossil fuel) to produce one kilogram hydrogen is 7.8×103 kcal, but the heat value of is 4.056×105 kcal/kg-hydrogen, much greater than that of input. The carbon dioxide emission is 3,595 kg/L-naphtha for hydrogen production, while this value is lower (2,382 kg/L-naphtha) for gasoline production. which is not helpful for the reduction of carbon dioxide emission. The results of (assumed) scenario analysis shows that to the production rate is quite low when using current petrochemical processes to produce hydrogen used for mobile carriers. Convert fossil energy into hydrogen at the maximum efficiency can only supply 0.02% of market demand presently. For conventional vehicles, 68.052 billion liters of fossil fuel must be used to balance the market supply and demand. Furthermore, the hydrogen production in Taiwan relies on single-process-based manufacturing technology, the surrounding facilities cannot well support the hydrogen production, the transport and storage need to be constructed, and the public acceptance and regulatory issues need to be considered. At the current stage, therefore, the level of replacing traditional fossil fuel with hydrogen should be carefully evaluated, based on the 3E aspects.


