  • 學位論文

竹芋(Marantha arundinacea和Canna edulis) 澱粉在麻糬製作 上的應用

Application of Arrowroot Starches (Marantha arundinacea and Canna edulis) in the Preparation of Glutinous Waxy Rice Cakes (Mochi)

指導教授 : 邱亞伯


本研究探討糯米糰添加竹芋澱粉對麻糬品質的影響,比較糯米粉與竹芋澱粉之分子結構及理化性質,並使用糯米粉與竹芋澱粉的混合物製作麻糬。竹芋澱粉與糯米澱粉的一般化學分析值顯示,糯米粉的水分、灰分、蛋白質成分及粗脂肪含量是 (11.3%、0.3%、5.6%及0.6%),比canna澱粉 (8.5%、0.22%、0.23%、0.29%) 與marantha 澱粉 (6.9%、0.14%、0.11%及0.32%) 高。Marantha、canna及糯米粉的碳水化合物含量分別為92.40、90.72及80.00%;pH值分別為7.16、6.29及6.13。顏色分析marantha澱粉 (WI=93.27) 與糯米粉 (WI=91.218) 的白度,較canna的白度 (WI= 73.29) 高。電子顯微鏡掃描顯示糯米粉的顆粒 (3~9μm),較canna澱粉(53.04~35.45μm) 與marantha澱粉 (21.55~18.07μm) 小。經由X-ray繞射光譜測定,顯示糯米澱粉與竹芋澱粉分別屬於A型與B型。碘親和力研究顯示,糯米粉的直鏈澱粉含量 (1.0%),比marantha澱粉 (15.21%) 與canna澱粉 (13.77%) 低。物理試驗的結果顯示,在90oC反應時,canna澱粉之膨潤力與溶解度(18.9g/g與15.0g/g),較marantha 澱粉 (9.84g/g與9.05g/g) 和糯米粉(14.65g/g與4.4g/g) 高。糯米澱粉在糊化過程的尖峰時間為3.87分,較marantha澱粉 (4分) 和canna澱粉 (4.64分) 早。糯米澱粉糊化時最大尖峰黏度為446.5 RVU,較marantha (600.25 RVU) 與 canna澱粉 (613.11 RVU)低;marantha澱粉的崩解黏度(395.31RVU),卻比canna澱粉(122.06 RVU)與糯米澱粉(215.84 RVU)高。Canna澱粉糊化之最終黏度(833.2 RVU),比canna澱粉 (298.42 RVU) 與糯米粉 (271.59 RVU) 高很多;canna澱粉回凝黏度值為220.09 RVU,也比marantha澱粉 (93.48 RVU) 與糯米粉 (RVU) 高。由分子結構和物理性質的結果,進一步應用於發展以竹芋澱粉與糯米澱粉開發出新型麻糬產品。麻糬的成分包括含1.0%直鏈澱粉之糯米粉,與不同比例 (0、1、3及5%) 的竹芋澱粉、糖 (30%) 及水 (80%) 混合組成。物化分析之結果顯示,麻糬水分與水活性分別為,37.4~39.24%與0.97~0.99,會容易發生老化與微生物生長之現象。麻糬色澤的白度為WI=64.7~60.66、a*=-1.15~-1.5及b*=10.73~9.94。麻糬質地剖面分析可知,加入3% marantha 澱粉或3% canna澱粉,有較高值的硬度、彈力、咀嚼感。然而若加入5% marantha 澱粉或5% canna澱粉則會有較低的值。由七點喜好性品評法測試(外觀、硬度、咬彈性、附著性、甜味、風味及整體接受性)之結果分析顯示,麻糬產品添加3% canna澱粉有最高的接受度。由本研究結論可知,糯米粉與 3% 的竹芋澱粉所做出的麻糬,接受度與純糯米製作的產品相近,因此這將對麻糬製造業有所助益。


竹芋澱粉 糯米粉 麻糬


Mochi or glutinous waxy rice cake, a popular Taiwanese snack, was prepared and the quality change of mochi with the addition of arrowroot starches was investigated. The objective of this study were to investigate and compare the molecular structures and the physical properties of arrowroot starches and waxy rice flour and to simulate physical properties of waxy rice flour by using a mixture of arrowroot starches and waxy rice flour to make mochi. Mochi was prepared with waxy rice flour and different ratios of arrowroot (1%, 3% and 5%) with 30% sugar and 80% water. Physicochemical and physical properties analyses were carried out on starch samples and the mochi was investigated for its sensory properties and final texture properties. The proximate chemical analyses values of the arrowroot starches and waxy rice flour were studied. The moisture content of waxy rice flour (11.3%) was higher than canna (8.5%) and marantha (6.9%) starches, respectively. The protein content of waxy rice flour (5.6%) was higher than canna starch (0.23%) and marantha starch (0.11%). The carbohydrate contents of marantha starch, canna starch, and waxy rice flour were 92.40, 90.72, and 80 %, respectively. Canna starch (6.29) and waxy rice flour (6.13) were acidic, whereas marantha starch (7.16) was basic in nature. Color analysis value of the marantha starch had a high value of whiteness index (WI=93.27) and waxy rice flour (WI=91.218), while the WI value was lower for canna starch (WI=73.29). Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) showed that waxy rice flour granules size (3~9μm) were smaller than those of canna starch (53.04~35.45μm) and marantha starch (21.55~18.07μm). Iodine affinity studies indicated that waxy rice flour contained 1.0% apparent amylose which was lower than the marantha starch (15.21%) and canna starch (13.77%). Physical properties, including swelling power, solubility, pasting viscosity, were determined. The swelling power of canna (18.9g/g) was higher than marantha starches (9.84g/g) and waxy rice flour (14.65g/g) at 90oC. The solubility of canna (15.0g/g) was higher than marantha starches (9.05g/g) and waxy rice flour (4.4g/g) at 90oC. Pasting behavior showed that the waxy rice flour displayed earlier peak time (3.87 min) than the marantha starch (4 min) and the canna starch (4.64 min) in the initial heating. The canna starch paste presented a maximum viscosity peak of 613.11 RVU, while marantha starch was 600.25RVU and waxy rice was 446.5RVU.The breakdown values of the marantha starch (395.31RVU) was much higher than those of the canna starch (122.06RVU) and waxy rice flour (215.84RVU). The setback values of the canna starch (220.09RVU) were higher than the marantha starch (93.48RVU) and waxy rice flour (40.88RVU). The moisture contents of mochi products ranged from 37.14 to 39.24% and water activity of mochi products ranged from 0.97 to 0.992. The colors parameters of mochi products ranged from L*=66.15~62.02, a*=-1.15~1.51, a*=10.73~9.94, WI=64.7~60.66. The texture profile analysis of mochi products with addition of 3% marantha starch and 3% canna starch was found to have the highest hardness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness values, while mochi products with addition of 5% marantha starch and 5% canna starch showed the lowest values. The results of the molecular structure study and physical properties were used to develop acceptable products using mixtures of arrowroot starch and waxy rice flour. Sensory evaluation indicated that mochi made from a mixture of waxy rice flour and 3% arrowroot starch was comparable to the mochi made from waxy rice flour. The sensory evaluation results indicated that mochi products adding 3% canna starch had the highest acceptance score. The findings revealed that most panelists showed positive attitude towards the preparation of mochi including arrowroot starches. Based on the findings, some implications were proposed to assist in prospective manufacture of new formula preparations of mochi.


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