  • 學位論文

視覺障礙豐富化對圈養台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)敵對行為減少之效益

The effectiveness of visual barrier in reducing agonistic behavior of the captive Taiwanese Macaques (Macaca cyclopis)

指導教授 : 裴家騏


以群體而言,圈養獼猴敵對行為頻率高於野外獼猴,過去研究指出在圈養環境中增加視覺障礙物之環境豐富化能降低群體獼猴的敵對行為,但也有少數研究指出增加視覺障礙物反而增加敵對行為頻率本研究以屏東保育類野生動物收容中心之七群圈養獼猴,及其活動廣場內設施的視覺障礙率,來探討視覺障礙豐富度對敵對行為減少之效益。 研究結果顯示,在性別方面,雄猴發生接觸攻擊及替位行為顯著多於雌猴,而雌猴在露齒與邀寵行為明顯多於雄猴。在位階方面,高位階猴多表現敵意行為及攻擊行為,低位階猴則多表現臣服行為。在攻擊行為的強度以非接觸攻擊行為(替位、干擾、威嚇、追逐)表現較高。從特定行為觀察所得的行為資料顯示,生活於視覺障礙百分比超過50%的環境之猴群,敵對行為頻率較其他猴群明顯得低許多。猴群內的雌雄比及族群密度等因素與敵對行為頻率的多寡沒有明顯相的關性。


Agonistic behavior of captive monkeys in cage is more frequently than wild monkeys. According to the previous researches, visual barriers of environmental enrichment can effectively reduced the agonistic interaction. However, the few researches indicated that visual barriers can increase the aggression. The purpose of this study is to discuss how different levels of visual barriers were effective in reducing agonistic behavior in seven groups of Taiwanese Macaques in Pingtung Rescue Center. Males that had occurred contact aggression and displacement behavior were significant higher than females. Females that had occurred bared-teeth and present display were significant higher than males. High rank monkeys had more hostile behavior and aggressive behavior, and low rank monkeys had more submissive behavior. In all behavior data, contact aggression had the low percentage. In the behavior sampling data, the agonistic behavior and degree of visual barrier had negative correlation; in other words, high levels of visual barrier, obtained 50%, conduced to the decrease of aggression of monkeys. In rate of sex and population density, they were no significant relationship with the average number of agonistic behavior.


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