  • 學位論文

台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)之生殖: 排遺能量分析

The reproduction of Taiwanese macaques (Macaca cyclopis): Fecal energy analysis.

指導教授 : 蘇秀慧


野生動物在自然環境中獲得食物後,吸收能量與營養來維持生存、成長以及生殖。雌性動物也需要獲得足夠的營養才能順利進行交配、懷孕及哺乳。當台灣獼猴在交配期食用人類食物,可能增加額外營養而促進雌激素分泌,使母猴達到催情效應後,進而影響其生殖成果。本研究連續三年(2008-2010)記錄完全食用天然食物之福山試驗林猴群,以及接受人類餵食之壽山國家自然公園猴群的出生率,並於2008年10月至2009年12月進行排遺收集,分析排遺能量含量,以檢視野生台灣獼猴各生殖階段之營養需求,以及營養與生殖之相關性。 結果顯示,福山地區之出生率為52.7±8.8% (n=3),72.7%(8/11)母猴隔年生殖,而壽山地區出生率則為73.4±10.3% (n=3),71.4%(10/14)的母猴連續兩年生殖。兩地區猴群之排遺能量皆在生殖期顯著高於其它時期,推測低海拔地區之台灣獼猴是在食物豐富度相對較高之春-夏季交替時期(4-6月)進行生產,以降低嬰猴死亡率。兩地區之排遺能量在交配期並無顯著差異,壽山猴群之額外脂質攝取量及體脂肪量是否為影響其生殖之主要因子,則有待未來深入研究。


生殖間隔 出生率 能量 餵食 台灣獼猴


Foraging and feeding activities contribute to acquire nutrients for growth and reproduction in wildlife. Female animals need enough nutrition for pregnancy, lactation and gestation. Human provisioning to female animals that provides extra food supply in mating season may result in secretion of more estrogenic hormone that influences female reproduction. In my research, three years (2008-2010) of data on birth rate were collected during tracking on two troops of Taiwanese macaque (Macaca cyclopis), one belonging to the wild population at Fushan Nature Preserve, and the other a provisioned free-ranging group at Shoushan National Nature Park. Fecal samples of known females were collected and analyzed for gross energy to examine their energy level during different reproductive phases from October 2008 to December 2009 (categorized into mating, birth, early gestating and later gestating stage). The average birth rate of the Fushan troop was 52.7±8.8%. There were 72.7% females exhibited an interbirth interval of 2 years. In Shoushan troop, the birth rate was 73.4±10.3%. 71.4%(10/14) females gave birth every year. The fecal energy level was significantly higher in birth phase (from March to June) than other phases. The results suggest that the Taiwanese macaque in low altitudes tend to give birth in spring and summer during which higher food quality and abundance may reduce infant mortality. The fecal energy level of females was significantly higher in the Fushan troop than Shoushan troop except for the mating phase during which the troop obtained human food more frequently. Effects of lipids and body fat on the reproduction of Taiwanese macaque is to be explored for further understanding on the association of nutrition and reproduction in this species.


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張可揚(1999)宜蘭福山試驗林台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)之覓食策
