  • 學位論文

玉山國家公園大分地區野生動物對青剛櫟(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)種子和苗木存活之影響

The impact of wildlife on seed and seedling survival of Cyclobalanopsis glauca in Dafen, Yushan National Park, Taiwan.

指導教授 : 黃美秀 翁國精


殼斗科果實為許多野生動物重要的食物資源,但動物對於種子或幼苗的掠食會造成種子死亡,降低種子發育成幼苗的機會,從而影響植物的更新和森林演替過程。本研究旨在瞭解玉山國家公園東部園區大分地區青剛櫟(Cyclobalanopsis glauca )櫟實被哺乳動物取食的情況。具體包括(1)鑑定地面青剛櫟的掠食者種類,以及相對的取食數量;(2)比較不同體型掠食者對櫟實移除的差異。(3)比較圍籬內、外之青剛櫟幼苗存活率與存活時間。 從2010年11月至2011年1月,紅外線自動相機記錄6種掠食者會取食人工擺設地面的櫟實,鼠類動物取食次數最高(79%,主要為刺鼠Niviventer coxingi),其次為水鹿(Rusa unicolor swinhoii)(15%),二者累計取食總量分別為20%和73%,為最主要的地面櫟實掠食者。其他4種掠食者累計取食數量僅占7%,依序為台灣黑熊(Ursus thibetanus formosanus)、野豬(Sus scrofa taivanus)和台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)和松鴉(Garrulus glandarius taiwanus)。4組圍籬試驗站內被掠食者取食數量呈現顯著差異(Kruskal-Wallis,n=192,H=82.1,P<0.001),3組開放不同動物進出的圍籬樣站被取食量,都顯著高於隔離所有動物圍籬樣站,但3組開放不同動物進出樣站間取食數量無顯著差異。大型與小型掠食者的取食數量與樣區內的地面自然落果密度呈現負相關,並和該物種(水鹿與鼠類)的出現頻度呈顯著正相關(P皆0.004)。從2010年4月至2011年10月,當年萌芽的幼苗於圍籬內存活率50%,但於圍籬外則降至10%,兩者存活率呈顯著差異。 本研究發現大分地區的水鹿與鼠類是主要地面青剛櫟櫟實掠食者。櫟實被掠食的壓力與掠食者出現頻度有關,而且受到地面完整果的相對豐富度及其時空變動等因素影響。當地較大型野生動物的活動和啃食對幼苗生長造成負面影響。若大型動物族群數量持續的增加,可能會增加青剛櫟的櫟實和幼苗被過度掠食的風險,並影響青剛櫟森林更新,值得持續監測與深入討論。


森林更新 青剛櫟 種子掠食者 水鹿 鼠類


Acorns are important food for wildlife. Consumption of acorns by animals can lead to the failure of oak forest regeneration through seed predation and seedling browsing. The study aimed to understand the effect of various wildlife predation on the acorns and seedlings of ring-cupped oak (Cyclobalanopsis glauca) in Dafen, Yushan National Park, Taiwan. Our specific objectives were to (1) identify the predators on ground of fallen acorns and their relative consumption, (2) compare the acorn removal pressure among different body-sized predators, and (3) the oak seedling survival rate and survival time within and without fences. Six species of ground acorns predators were identified. Small rodent (mainly Niviventer coxingi)and Formosan sambar ate or used ring-cupped oak acorns. Rodent (79%) and Formosan samber (Rusa unicolor swinhoii) had high removal rate, 79% and 20%, respectively. However, the Formosan sambar consumed most of the acorns (73%), followed by rodents (20%). Other predators included Formosan black bears (Ursus thibetanus formosanus), wild boars (Sus scrofa taivanus), Formosan macacas (Macaca cyclopis), jays (Garrulus glandarius taiwanus). There was significant difference between 4 types of enclosure treatments for acorns removal (Kruskal-waillis n=192, H=82.1, P<0.001). The acorn removal rate of plot for exclusion of all mammals was significantly lower than the other 3 mammal-presence treatments. The acorns removal rates for sambar and rodents were negatively related to the fallen acorn density (P<0.001), but positively related to the species occurrence indexes through camera trapping. During the monitoring period (April-Oct 2011), the seedling survival rate within fences (50%) was higher than those without fences (10%). Sambar and rodents were the main acorn seed predators in the study area. However, the pressure of acorn predation and predator occurrence both were related to acorn density, which varied spatially and temporally. The activities and abundance of larger mammals would also affect the oak seed fate though acorn consumption and seedling browsing.


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