  • 學位論文


Evaluation of color light illuminate at night on plant growth and Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) control

指導教授 : 呂廷森


病蟲害的防治一直是農業生產的一大課題,尤其是在農產品商業化後,防治成果的好壞更為重要。本試驗使用4種不同光質(light quality)燈光,分別為紅光(red light)、藍光(blue light)、綠光(green light)及黃光(yellow light),針對害蟲對光波不同的敏感度研究何種光質適合做為害蟲驅避光,並種植草莓(Fragaria ananassa)作為害蟲之寄主植物(host plant),同時對草莓生長調查,瞭解光質對作物的影響,目的為找適合作物生長又可驅避害蟲之燈光。 研究後發現草莓植株會受到紅光的刺激,促進其植株葉片、走莖(runner)及葉片大小的增加,黃光則會促進其光合作用的速率,但花梗數、花朵數、結果數則是受到綠光影響而增加。而與光合作用關係密切的葉綠素(chlorophyll)同樣也是黃光處理的植株有最高的含量,因為光合作用有抑制代謝物之影響,光質對草莓植株之類黃酮(flavonoids)含量的影響會與葉綠素相反,最高的含量出現在藍光下生長的植株。除了類黃酮外,光質還會影響花青素(anthocyanin)的合成,不同光質處理後,草莓果實花青素含量以在紅光或藍光下生長之植株有最佳之含量,而綠光及黃光處理組則花青素含量較低。 在本研究的另一試驗中,使用晚香玉(Polianthes tuberosa)、玫瑰(Rosa rugosa)、茉莉(Jasminum sambac)及唐菖蒲(Gladiolus hybrida)做為寄主植物,配合不同強度(光源離地150 cm與離地250 cm)的綠光及黃光,結果發現較高的綠光強度,晚香玉與玫瑰之葉綠素含量及類黃酮含量最高,於高強度黃光下生長之茉莉有較高之葉綠素含量,類黃酮最高則出現在低強度的黃光環境,高強度黃光下生長之唐菖蒲葉綠素含量較高,其類黃酮含量則在低強度綠光環境下較高。在這4種作物的驅避試驗中,晚香玉、玫瑰及唐菖蒲之對照組防治效果皆為最差。另外,玫瑰與唐菖蒲葉片類黃酮與被害率呈負相關,當其類黃酮含量越多,被害率就越低。 在本試驗的4種光質中,以黃光下所種植的作物有最低的被害率(19.61%)其次為綠光處理組(21.45%),換句話說,黃光對夜間害蟲的驅避效果為最佳。故將最好與次好的光波長比較光強度的影響,針對斜紋夜盜蛾做驅避及誘捕比較,得知光強度對斜紋夜蛾的影響不顯著,不論光強度仍以黃光對斜紋夜蛾有最好的驅避效果。本試驗中所得到的結果,未來可為蟲害防治方法的選擇上增加更多方向。


Pests control is the important things in agriculture. Especially, when the crops become agricultural commodities. The effect of pests control are more important. In this study, the four light quality of tubular fluorescent lamp were been used. There are red light, blue light, green light and yellow light. In order to find out the wavelength of light which is the most sensitivity of pests. And which one is suitable to against the pests. Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duchessne) will use to be host plant. In this experiment, strawberry will be stimulated by red light. It can promote the leaf number increase, the runner and leaf size also too. Yellow light will promote the rate of photosynthesis of strawberry. However, the pedicel number, number of flower and the fruit number will increase by green light. There has always been closely between chlorophyll and photosynthesis. The chlorophyll content of yellow light treatment is the largest. In addition, the most flavonoids content will be find on blue light treatment. After different color of light illuminate on strawberry, the great amount of anthocyanin content will find in blue light treatment. Another experiment in this study, use 4 host plants (tuberose, rose, jessamine and gladiolus)in order to repellent tobacco cutworm(Spodoptera litura). Set up different light intensity of green light and yellow light(light source 150 cm and 250 cm from the ground). In high light intensity of green light, tuberose and rose has more chlorophyll content and flavonoids content. In high light intensity of yellow light, jessamine has more chlorophyll content. In low light intensity of yellow light, jessamine has more flavonoids content. Gladiolus has more chlorophyll content that grow in high light intensity of yellow light and more flavonoids content in low light intensity of green light. Tuberose, rose and gladiolus show the low percent of pest bites in different light quality and light intensity. Roses leaves flavonoids and gladiolus leaves flavonoids between percent of pest bites was negatively. The flavonoids content are more, the percent of pest bites is lower. About pests control, the yellow of light is resultful to against nocturnal pests. However, light intensity has no effect on the pests. The results of the study are effective in insect pest control, but it would have an adverse effect of the plant.


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