  • 學位論文


「Philippines、Fly、Tribulation、Goodbye」-The Narrative Inquiry of a New Immigrant Mother with Disabled Children in Homebound Education

指導教授 : 鍾鳳嬌


本研究旨在探討在家教育身障生新移民母親之生活歷程。以質性研究中的敘說探究為研究方法的理論基礎,透過「整體-內容」分析呈現參與者之生活經歷故事,漸次利用「類別-內容」分析凸顯個案的壓力、社會支持、生活實踐歷程、未來期盼與需求。本研究結果如下: 一、在家教育身障生新移民母親所承受之壓力:1.生活適應的壓力;2.親職教養的壓力;3.醫療的壓力;4.傳宗接代的壓力;5.經濟的壓力。 二、在家教育身障生新移民母親社會支持內容:1.工具性支持:教導 復健技能、協助申辦補助、經濟支援、物質供給與照顧分擔;2.情緒性支持:關懷、鼓勵、傾聽、稱讚;3.資訊性支持:社會福利資訊、申請補助訊息、信件閱讀資訊說明。對研究個案而言,情緒性支持最容易獲得、資訊性支持最缺乏,工具性支持中經濟支援卻是最需要與迫切的。 三、在家教育身障生新移民母親生活實踐之歷程:1.語言隔閡:購買語言學習的書籍;2.親職教養:查詢電腦的網路;3.傳宗接代:爭取節育的主權;4.經濟:開源節流、尋求社會的支援。個案在生活實踐歷程中以積極主動的態度面對,過程中雖然遭遇許多挫折,但都還能一一克服,展現女性堅毅的個性。 四、在家教育身障生新移民母親未來期盼與需求:1.教育方面:巡輔專業團隊人員能固定;2.孩子方面:身障兒未來能得到完善的照顧與安置;3.經濟方面:自食其力,經濟環境能維持穩定;4.回鄉探親方面:期盼有一天能回故鄉;5.異國婚姻方面:呼籲夢想異國婚姻的女性能夠覺醒。   國內研究身心障礙類在家教育的文獻屈指可數,再者探究身障生在家教育新移民母親的文本目前還沒發現,希望本研究統整出的故事文本及結論,對相關單位具有參考價值。


The main purpose of this study was to explore the life stories of a new immigrant mother with disabled children in homebound education. The study based on the narrative inquiry, first though the holistic-content analysis to present the participant’s life stories, then used the categorical -content analysis to highlight the stress of the mother, the social support,the practice of everyday life, and the expectations and demands for the future. The findings were described as follows: 1.The main stress events of the new immigrant mother with disabled children in homebound education encountered included five domains: (1)life adjustment; (2)parenting; (3)medical treatment; (4)the traditional idea of re-generation; (5)financial condition. 2.The contents of the social support acquired by the new immigrant mother with disabled children in homebound education included three categories: (1)instrumental social support: teaching rehabilitation skills, helping applying the subsidy, economical support, material supply, and sharing the care; (2)emotional social support: care supply, encouragement, listening to their minds and compliment; (3)informational social support: the social welfare information, applying the subsidy information and the instruction information of reading letters. For the new immigrant mother, the emotional social support was easiest to get, but the information support was the poorest, and the economical support was most in need. 3.Regarding the practice of everyday life for the new immigrant mother with disabled children in homebound, it was divided into four categories (1)language barriers: purchasing language learning books; (2) parenting: checking computer network; (3)the traditional idea of re-generation: fighting for birth control; (4) financial condition: reducing the costs and seeking for social support. In the practice of everyday life, after suffering a great deal of frustration, the participant still face her life with a positive attitude. It shows that the determination of the personality of women. 4.The expectations and demands of the new immigrant mother with disabled children in homebound for the future can be categorized into five terms: (1) education: hoping the special education teamworkers for itinerant consultation services not to change so frequently; (2)children: hoping her child can take good care and placement; (3)economic: hoping to be self-reliant and to stabilize the economic base; (4) backing home to visit her relatives: hoping she can back home someday; (5)cross-national marriages: she calls all the female who looks forward to have cross-national marriages have to be awareness that the immigrant marriage families had more problems than others. The literatures of the disabled children in homebound education are very rare. Furthermore, the text content about the disable children in homebound education has not found yet. So according to the research conclusion, this study intends to provide some suggestions for reference to administration.


李淑玲 (2010)。在家教育的肢體障礙學生實施遠距教學之行動研究,特殊教育與輔助科技學報,1,17-55。


