  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 梁文進


嗜熱革節孢菌(Scytalidium thermophilum =Torula thermophilum )在蘑菇栽培基質的堆肥化(composting)過程中是一種很重要之嗜熱真菌,因為它可以降低堆肥中氨氣(NH3)的濃度和減少堆肥中與蘑菇屬菇蕈競爭養分的真菌,對蘑菇在堆肥內菌絲生長及產菇有促進之作用。嗜熱革節孢菌在分類學上歸屬於真菌界,不完全菌亞門(Deuteromycotina),絲孢菌綱(Hyphomycetes)。本研究主要探討嗜熱革節孢菌基礎生理特性、堆肥發酵過程中添加高溫真菌對堆肥化的功效與應用及對巴西蘑菇菌絲生長及產菇之效益。由生理特性試驗,獲得嗜熱革節孢菌菌絲生長之適宜溫度及酸鹼值分別為45℃及pH7-8;酵母萃取葡萄糖瓊脂(yeast extract glucose agar; YEGA)和澱粉瓊脂(Starch agar; SA)為有利其菌絲生長之培養基;以查氏為基礎培養基,獲得以蔗糖及澱粉為菌絲生長最佳之碳素源;硝酸鈉(NaNO3)、天門冬醯銨(Asparagine)及麩氨酸(Glutamine)為菌絲生長最佳之氮素源。在不同菌種資材試驗,獲得燕麥為5種資材中,菌絲生長最快的材料。於盤固拉草堆肥之50~79%含水量中,獲得含水量越高生長越快。試驗不同盤固拉草堆肥化時間對嗜熱革節孢菌菌絲之生長,結果顯示經滅菌之堆肥以堆肥化醱酵第6天堆肥平板菌絲生長為最佳,第21及27天次之。取不同堆肥化時期之盤固拉草堆肥,經滅菌與不滅菌處理後預先添加嗜熱革節孢菌培養在45℃四天後,對巴西蘑菇菌絲在玻璃試管生長試驗,結果顯示在堆肥化第7~25天後滅菌堆肥處理中添加嗜熱革節孢菌對巴西蘑菇菌絲生長較對照組有促進的效果,而無滅菌之堆肥則無顯著性差異。盤固拉草堆肥預先接種嗜熱革節孢菌在45℃培養不同時間後對巴西蘑菇菌絲生長試驗中,結果顯示以堆肥化11~25天之堆肥預先接種嗜熱革節孢菌培養1、3、5天後對巴西蘑菇菌絲生長較好。以盤固拉草堆肥做為巴西蘑菇(Agaricus blazei Murrill)主要栽培基質,於盤固拉草堆肥製作之堆肥化過程中,在第二次(堆肥化15天)及第三次翻堆(堆肥化21天)時添加嗜熱革節孢菌製作成的堆肥,將堆肥裝入栽培箱中接種巴西蘑菇,菌絲生長4天後,覆蓋整個堆肥表面比例達81~100%等級分別有70%及90%比對照組0%及20%好。試驗盤固拉草堆肥在第二次及第三次翻堆時有無添加嗜熱革節孢菌液態菌種對巴西蘑菇產菇量之影響,結果顯示翻堆時有添加嗜熱革節孢菌的4天後的堆肥,以巴西蘑菇1潮菇之產量換算其生物轉換率分別為15.6%及11.8%,較對照組8.5%及8.8%好。試驗嗜熱革節孢菌不同菌種資材與巴西蘑菇產菇關係,結果顯示燕麥菌種與液態菌種接種至堆肥中,對巴西蘑菇產量及生物轉換率無顯著性差異 但與接種者有顯著性差異。嗜熱革節孢菌不同接種量與巴西蘑菇產菇關係,結果顯示在每10kg堆肥中接種燕麥菌種100g或200g,對巴西蘑菇產量及生物轉換率無顯著性差異。


Scytalidium thermophilum ( =Torula thermophilum ) is an important thermophilic fungus in the composting process of mushroom compost, because it has stimulatory effects on mycelium growth and increases mushroom yield when Agaricus mushroom fungi were cultivated in the S. thermophilum amended composts. The objectives of this research is focused on (1) the physiological and culture characteristics of S. thermophilum, (2) the influence of this thermophilic fungus on pangolagrass composting, and on mycelium growth and mushroom production of Agaricus blazei which was cultivated in S. thermophilum amended pangolagrass compost. The optimal mycelium growth of S. thermophilum was obtained at 45℃, and at pH 7~8. The yeast extract glucose agar (YEGA) and starch agar (SA) were better media for mycelium growth than the other tested media. Sucrose and starch were better carbon source, while asparagine, glutamine and sodium nitrate were better nitrogen source for mycelial growth when tested with Czapek agar basic medium. Oat grain was the best material for spawn preparation among the 5 tested materials. The higher water content of pangolagrass in among the range of 50-80% after water adding , the better for mycelium growth of S. thermophilum was found. In experiment of the mycelium growth of S. thermophilum in petri dish containing pangolagrass compost harvested at different composting phase, the results showed that this thermophilic fungus could grow on all composts derived from many composting phase, but the best compost was from 6 days after piling. When the pangolagrass composts derived from different composting phase, were first sterilized and then inoculated with S. thermophilum and incubated at 45℃ for 4 days before inoculating A. blazei, the mycelial growth of A. blazei was better on the composts harvested during 7 to 25-day composting than that on composts without inoculation with S. thermophilum; but the unsterilized composts did not show such difference. The mycelium growth of Agaricus blazei in long test tube grown on pangolagrass composts derived from different composting phase were sterilized and inoculated with S. thermophilum and incubated at 45 ℃ for 0、1、3、5 days, the results showed that mycelium growth of A. blazei was better on the sterilized compost with S. thermophilum growth for 1 to 5 days than that of 0 days incubation. The pangolagrass composts harvested at 2nd and 3rd turning of composting process that were inoculated with S. thermophilum and then incubated for 4 days were better for mycelium growth of A. blazei than that on un-inoculated composts. The biological efficiency (%) of compost and mushroom yields of Agaricus blazei cultivated on compost amended with oat spawn or liquid spawn of S. thermophilum were significantly different from that of S. thermophilum un-amended compost. The mushroom yields of Agaricus blazei cultivated on compost spawned with 100g and 200g of oat spawn of Scytalidium thermophilum was not significantly different.


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