  • 學位論文


The study of Adversity and Coping strategies of Aboriginal and Reconstructive Post-disaster workers in Typhoon Morakot in Pingtung.

指導教授 : 張麗玉


本研究欲探討研究目的為探討莫拉克災後原鄉重建工作者於工作過程中的工作困境、探討莫拉克災後原鄉重建工作者於面對工作困境之因應策略、並根據研究結果分析,能提供作為未來重建工作者實務工作的參考。 本研究以質性研究方法,研究者以立意抽樣、滾雪球方式深入訪談九位原鄉重建工作者,了解其重建工作過程中之工作困境與因應策略。研究結果發現,原鄉重建工作者在重建工作過程有多重困境,分別為個人層面、服務工作層面、機構層面、社會環境與政策層面與族群文化層面等五大層面之工作困境,並進一步探討其因應策略。 依研究結果,研究者發現原鄉的重建工作需要人才、人力與社會資源進駐,然而許多原鄉因位處偏遠山區,缺乏受過專業訓練之原住民籍社工員;除了原住民籍專業人員匱乏外,亦少有其他族群的專業人員願意進駐偏遠原鄉,同樣地,社會資源容易集中於都市,偏遠原鄉因人口比例亦不多,則成了社會資源容易忽略的區塊;在人力與社會資源雙雙匱乏下,影響了重建工作服務的進行,造成原鄉重建工作者工作過程中的困境。 本研究建議原鄉重建工作者需加強工作能力與專業知能並且具備熱情投入重建工作、在工作中實踐倡導者的角色功能,如此有助於因應與解決工作困境。


The research purpose of this study was to discuss how reconstructive workers view work dilemmas during their work process and the coping strategies reconstructive workers face in the work dilemmas after Typhoon Morakot. According to the analysis of research results, it could provide us substantive work of reconstructive workers for future reference. This study used combined with purposive sampling and snowball to interview 9 aboriginal hometown reconstructive workers in a purposive sampling, snowball, and in-depth way, which aims to understand the work dilemmas and coping strategies during the reconstructions of Typhoon Morakot Post-disaster. Study results found that aboriginal hometown reconstructive workers face multiple difficulties during the reconstructions process: personal level, service level, institutional level, social and ethnic cultural dimensions and so on five levels, and to further explore its coping strategies. According to the research results, researchers found that the aboriginal hometown reconstructions require talented people, human and social resources. However, many aboriginal hometowns lack professionally trained aboriginal origin social workers due to the locations in remote mountain areas. In addition to the lack of professionally trained aboriginal origin social workers, also few other ethnic communities’ professional social workers are willing to station to remote aboriginal hometowns. Similarly, social resources are easy to concentrate in urban, while remote aboriginal hometowns with less proportion of the population have become easily to overlooked the block of social resources. Under the lack of both human and social resources, the reconstruction work service is affected and leads to work dilemmas for aboriginal hometown reconstructive workers. This study recommends that the aboriginal hometownreconstructive workers should strengthen their working abilities and professional competence, have the enthusiasm for the reconstruction work and practice advocacy role at work functions so that it would be helpful in coping with and solving the work dilemmas.


