  • 學位論文


Formosan Macaque (Maraca cyclopes) anti-predator behaviors in response to mimicked or real Mountain Hawk Eagle (Nisaetus nipalensis) calls

指導教授 : 孫元勳


靈長類能辨別不同掠食者並產生相對應警戒反應抵禦,那麼是否也能夠區分自然界中何者為掠食者猛禽發出之鳴叫或單純鳥類模仿猛禽鳴叫?在臺灣,體型最大日行性猛禽熊鷹(Nisaetus nipalensis)會獵捕臺灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis),松鴉(Garrulus glandarius)經常會模仿熊鷹鳴叫,因此藉由對臺灣獼猴猴群播放熊鷹鳴聲以及模仿熊鷹鳴聲和大冠鷲鳴聲做測試,探討臺灣獼猴是否能分辨不同鳴聲,特別是模仿熊鷹鳴聲。使用大冠鷲鳴聲作為控制組的原因是因其分布普遍且非獼猴天敵,以確保臺灣獼猴並非受到任何回播音刺激後產生反應。實驗樣區在有熊鷹分布的大漢山以及無熊鷹分布的柴山兩處,在兩地步道上隨機偶遇猴群後,對遭遇之每個猴群進行1種回播,依熊鷹鳴聲→大冠鷲鳴聲→模仿熊鷹鳴聲之順序測試。結果顯示,柴山猴群對熊鷹鳴聲並沒有產生警戒反應;相對地大漢山猴群對熊鷹鳴聲會產生較高程度的反掠食行為 (NT=20, NS=17, t=12.735, df=35, P < 0.001)。大漢山猴群有時對模仿熊鷹鳴聲出現反掠食行為,但程度略低於熊鷹鳴聲,而對模仿熊鷹鳴聲出現的警戒率與柴山的猴群有顯著差異 (NT=20, NS=17, t=2.705, df=35, P < 0.001)。大漢山和柴山猴群對大冠鷲鳴聲的警戒率並無顯著差異 (NT=20, NS=17, t=0.920, df=35, P =0.06 )。又大漢山猴群對三種不同猛禽的反掠食行為在程度上以熊鷹鳴聲最高,模仿熊鷹鳴聲次之,大冠鷲鳴聲最低。結論是獼猴會被模仿熊鷹鳴聲所騙,有無掠食者熊鷹分布會影響獼猴產生反掠食行為和逃逸行為,對天敵的認知偏向後天學習而成。


Primates have different warning responses for different predators. Can primates differentiate between birds-mimicking calls or the actual calls of natural predators? In Taiwan, Mountain hawks eagle (Nisaetus nipalensis), the the largest diurnal forest raptor, is a predator to Formosan macaques (Macaca cyclopis), and the bird’s call was frequently imitated by Eurasian Jays (Garrulus glandarius). I did the playback of mimicked calls by the jays, that of the hawk eagle and Crested Serpent Eagle (Spilornis cheela) in regions with or without the distribution of the hawk eagle to see whether macaques could differeciate among them. Crested serpent eagle is widely distributed in Taiwan, whose call is not strange to the macaque, and therefore was used for control. My study sites were located at Tahanshan and Shoushan, with and without the hawk eagle existence, respectively. I conducted the playback of one call type to each macaque flock encountered on the trail, and call type was used in the order of hawk eagle call, Crested serpent eagle call and minicked call. Results showed that Tahanshan macaques showed more anti-predator behaviors than in Shoushan to Mountain Hawk Eagle calls and minicked calls as well (NT=20, NS=17, t=12.735, df=35, *** P < 0.001). Formosan macaque group vigilance rate were significantly different between both with and without Mountain hawk eagle sites when broadcasting Mountain hawk eagle calls playback (NT=20, NS=17, t=12.735, df=35, *** P < 0.001) and jay imitate eagle calls (NT=20, NS=17, t=2.705, df=35, *** P < 0.001). But when I broadcasted serpent eagle call, macaques showed the anti-predator behaviors but vigilance rate were not significantly different between the two sites (NT=20, NS=17, t=0.920, df=35, P =0.06). Macaques showed the most fiercest anti-predator behaviors and response to hawk eagle call in Tahanshan. In conclusion, macaques could be fooled by the minicked call occassionally, and anti-predator behavior of macaque was affected by whether the hawk eagle existed or not, and this tended to be a learning behavior.


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